WT October 15, 2015 - Don't believe Apostate Lies

by Designer Stubble 65 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower

    The problem with the Governing Body is that they are in denial of their own evil lies. And so they are shadow boxing their own projected evil and calling anyone who exposes their evil lies of which they are in denial of a tool of Satan. Like religious gurus of the past they pin the title of Satan on anyone they hate for what ever reason.

    They are like the Apostle Paul who calls anyone who is a threat to his superiorness a deceitful workers or ministers of Satan:

    2corintians 11
    For I consider that I have not proved inferior to your superfine apostles in a single thing.+ 6 But even if I am unskilled in speech,+ I certainly am not in knowledge; indeed we made it clear to you in every way and in everything.....
    12 But what I am doing I will continue to do,+ in order to eliminate the pretext of those who are wanting a basis* for being found equal to us in the things* about which they boast. 13 For such men are false apostles, deceitful workers, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ.+ 14 And no wonder, for Satan himself keeps disguising himself as an angel of light.+ 15 It is therefore nothing extraordinary if his ministers also keep disguising themselves as ministers of righteousness. But their end will be according to their works.+...
  • sparrowdown
    Truth is - they hate us cause they ain't us.
  • Oubliette

    BW, you're living in a house of mirrors. Why don't you come out into the real world.

  • Oubliette
  • Oubliette
  • Oubliette
  • punkofnice

    Just reading the quotes from the watchtower made me projectile vomit all over my framed picture of the Holy Holy Holy worshipful Governing body.

    Talk about propaganda! It has more logical fallacies and propaganda techniques than Typhoo has teabags.

    Of course the 'zealous(tm)' JWs will love this stuff. It will feed their pious egos and make them feel special.

    Will it wake any JWs up? Will it pique their curiosity?

    Anything that keeps money, power and children away from that twisted cult and it's vacuous leaders is a good thing. May the GB suffer!

  • campaign of hate
    campaign of hate

    This sounds like damage control on f**king steroids.

    It's this kind of stuff that used to make me suspicious of anyone other than JWs. I used to think that there was this huge network of apostates who all got together and devised devious methods to lead practicing JWs away.

    I was so f**king stupid.

  • punkofnice
    campaign of hate11 minutes agoThis sounds like damage control on f**king steroids.
    It's this kind of stuff that used to make me suspicious of anyone other than JWs. I used to think that there was this huge network of apostates who all got together and devised devious methods to lead practicing JWs away.
    I was so f**king stupid.

    We all were. It's called mind control and the WBT$ knows how to use it.

    I long for the day when the WBT$ dies along with the gluttonous GB.

  • campaign of hate
    campaign of hate

    My guess there is going to be a massive media circus soon on the JWs, and this is just damage control.

    They are feeling the heat.

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