Connie Chung interviews Bill Bowen TONIGHT

by Lin 38 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • LB

    Bleep ever ask yourself why so many decent people were dfed after appearing on Dateline? Ever ask yourself what these abuse victims did tonight to deserve the dfing they are about to get?

    Ooops, responded to a troll, I'll stop.

  • Goodboy


    The issue is not primarily disfellowshipping. Persons have been disfellowshipped for far more inane reasons than this, as you know.

    The issue is that the Watchtower does not allow the sister to go to the police.

    Do you get it now? I suspect you already did, but nice try.


  • sunshineToo

    Bleepy, are you related to comfy by any chance? For some reason I see read the resemblance between you guys.

  • Lin

    Speaking only for myself here...I just can't angry at those like "Bleep" who feel the way they do. I always remember how BLINDED I was all during the years as a Witness, and I see more and more people like "Bleep" posting messages here, on Silentlambs, etc. My eyes are finally opened, I can finally see clearly, all the mucky-muck has been cleared away. People like Bleep are still under the influence of witness brainwashing techniques, so I just can't get angry. I only feel pity for them. But, I also hear the distant sound of drums. They're getting closer by the day, louder with each step taken. It won't be long before we hear the sounds of not only drums pounding their beat, but tamborines smashing together, as the "band" of abuse survivors bring this horrible thing to all the public, for the protection of all children everywhere. Thank GOD Bill Bowen came to our rescue. Soon, very soon....all the Bleeps in the world will have no choice but to see, really see, for the first time in their lives. And I'm just gonna sit right here on my bleacher seat and watch it all happen.

  • Bleep
  • witchywoman

    Thank you Bleep, this letter is linked for anyone to see that the Watchtower Society will not take responsiblity for any criminal matters involving any of the elders decisions and will not help them out in the event of lawsuits. The elders are directed to call the WTS` legal dept. first, and to be careful not to suggest to anyone not to call police.

    Thanks Bleep, I will do that

    The witch

  • Bleep

    As you can see in the Elders way of dealing with this increasing issue of this sytem of things, the child abuse trauma may go to the authorities for this detestable crime. If the Elders do not follow this Doctrine then they can be sued since the rights of the abused are taken away. Since 1992 this has been followed to the letter by all elders. If not they will be sued. If they had a case before the letter was written then the Society would take care of the case. I am not sure that if 56 people did sue they would get $400,000,000. Just take time out and divide all that up. Some cancer cases never even get half that much loot. So my conclusion is this; it is a dream for an apostate that will never happen.

    Oh and here is the letter sent to all elders for you lazy apostates.

    Reminders Regarding The Handling Of Cases Involving Child Abuse, ": (1) As directed in the June 1, 1992, letter to all bodies of elders, you should immediately call the Legal Department for direction if you learn of a case of child abuse. Child abuse would include sexual abuse, self- evident physical abuse, and extreme neglect involving a minor. (2) If the alleged victim is now an adult but was a minor at the time of the abuse, please call the Legal Department. (3) If you become aware of a past case of child abuse and you are not certain whether the elders involved at the time called the Legal Department for direction, please call the Legal Department for assistance as soon as possible. (4) Child abuse is a crime. Never suggest to anyone that they should not report an allegation of child abuse to the police or other authorities. If you are asked, make it clear that whether to report the matter to the authorities or not is a personal decision for the individual to make and that there are no congregation sanctions for either decision. That is, no elder will criticize anyone who reports such an allegation to the authorities"

  • witchywoman

    Thank you again Bleep, though I did read it.

    The bottom paragraph is laid out to understand that the Watchtower`s Legal Dept. should be notified first as I stated. Thanks again for pullling up the proof. We did`nt really need it but there are others of your faith that do not know how the elders in these matters are directed.

    The witch

  • Bleep

    Let me fix this sentence I made, "Oh and here is the letter sent to all elders for you lazy apostates."

    This is a letter the apostates should have read instead of trying to go to the news about it. It is a letter for the elders of all our congregations.

  • witchywoman

    We lazy apostates already know of this letter. It is only new to people of your faith. Thank you, I am really glad you posted it!

    The witch

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