Bethelites....a real catch ?

by av8orntexas 17 Replies latest social relationships

  • av8orntexas

    Ok everyone I'm pretty new here and here's my two cents..

    One thing I could not figure out was...WHAT was the craze with Bethelites ? As a reg pioneer supposedly I was a lock for local sis..but from my point of view sisters practically fell over themselves trying to get a piece of these guys.

    Myself I was never one to let anyone go unoticed.. I was equal opprotunity..especially for the spanish sis's in the Spanish Cong..speaking of which have any of you guys ever been to one of the spanish conventions ? I had to pick my tongue off the ground several times..hehehe

    At the time as a reg pioneer at 90 hours a month...12 hours a sesmester in college and dog gone near 30 hours a week working part-time...I could get the time of day with a particular sis I was interested in for a certain Bethelite whom she promply married 4 years ago and they just moved out of his parents house like a year ago. No offense to the guys who may have been..but something about marrying someone with absolutely nothing to his name baffled me. Alot had degrees before they went or what have you but I knew of some who had nothing when they went ..and realistically were looking at starting from scratch when they came out. I know one now washing windows.

    Same for MS and Elders..were they the prize catch to be had ? Was the grass greener ?

    So my question is were bethelites really someone to be desired ? Yes I know the spirituallity thing came into play..and did any find that to be true ? Were the jw's who were simple publishers or aux/reg pioneers good enough for you ?

    Guys....was a sis who was just a good publisher fine with you ?

    I noticed alot over the years really great guys or women who were essentially passed over because they didn't have and "priviledges" to get into the "country club" .

    "Some people miss the silver lining because they're expecting gold."

  • LDH

    Hey Welcome!

    Didn't you know? Bethelites all have bigger.....field service reports, LOL! Therefore, they MUST be more spiritual. Talk about getting bumped up a few rungs on the JW ladder.

    Nothing as special as a woman with a *spiritual man*. SIGH. Just wondering what I've missed out on in the bedroom.


  • minimus

    Bethelites are viewed with disdain by most old-timers. Impressionable people think they are God's gift.

  • av8orntexas

    LOL thats funny LDH... of course their service report is bigger...WHAT WAS I thinking ? lol

    It woulnd't have been so bad it the world didn't stop everytime someone from Bethel arrived....I mean enough already..why don't we just annoint him Jesus ?

    "Some people miss the silver lining because they're expecting gold. "

  • JT

    It is a matter of perspective- if you are a non-witness woman you would laugh at a man who makes $90.00 buck a month, no insurance if you get sick, no home only a one room place and works in the Lanudry dept.

    but if you are a Pioneer sister in the Hills of KY and a bethelites takes an interest in you then you have struck god

    this is another example of WT indoctrination, ask any of the women here who left wt, they will for the most part tell you,

    WT didn't teach them what to look for in a man beyond good field hours, privilges in the org and a title

    the higher the title the more vaulable to be desired - so for many women when they leave wt they only have this as thier ref in WHAT MAKE A MAN a good husband and now that they no longer live by wt rules , sad to say we have seen many who have expressed the pain they have and to deal with upon leaving wt and trying to est a meanful relationship with a man, far too many times they have gotten hurt

    my wife and i have had so many female jw here at our home in the last 3 yrs who tell of horror stories due to this wt qualification JOKE

    look at it this way when i was at bethel George Gangas a GB used to tell us all the time that we WERE THE CREAM OF THE CROP of jw males.

    this org is built like most org around titles, being that a sister can only reach the level of Pio in this org why would she want someone from the Mail room - instead she wants one of those Executive guys up in the Front office, that is what she is told to go far-

    any sister who was being courted by a Bethelite and a Non- Titled bro who may have a good job- in so many cases the friends, the co and elders and their wives would push her toward a man with no money

    while there maybe a few sister who would tell her to go for the man with money for so many that will not be the case

    keep in mind wt is an org that tells it member that by reading the WT publications you will have the same as a 4yr university degree- so to the avg jw they look upon bethelites as Men who have attended WT version of Yale and Harvard

    how sad

  • Joyzabel

    JT said:

    "keep in mind wt is an org that tells it member that by reading the WT publications you will have the same as a 4yr university degree- so to the avg jw they look upon bethelites as Men who have attended WT version of Yale and Harvard"

    ROTFLMAO! so true

    <looking on JT's wall for the sheep's skin>

  • JT


    you are too much

  • teejay

    folks that go for bethelites deserve what they get.

  • BeautifulGarbage

    My former Bethelite, now CO, cousin didn't get married until he was in his late 30's. Now, he's an average looking guy. Not ugly, but nothing to write home about.

    Who did he marry? A GORGEOUS young blonde sister in her early 20's.

    Did being a Bethelite have anything to do with her attraction???? Nahhhhhhh


  • av8orntexas
    av8orntexas well said. Yes it is looked upon as the Harvard or Yale or JW's. This fact would sear in my mind being that we ..unlike the "world" HA ....have no class distinctions or prostige for that matter.

    Beautiful whats your cousin got that the rest don't ? j/k with ya. Yes it helped...

    Appreciate the response everyone..a point that always intrigued me,but of course never had the nerve to ask anyone for fear of being treated like the plague for bring up such a question.

    "Some people miss the silver lining because they're expecting gold. "

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