Puffs Weekday Poll #1

by teenyuck 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • Bendrr

    Let me ask something, since it's an item in the survey. If you shower in the morning do you also shower in the evening, making for two baths a day?

    Personally I've always taken a shower in the evening as soon as I get home but never felt the need for another the next morning. Ok, unless there was a hot date the night before but those are few and far between for me.


  • teenyuck

    I only shower in the morning. Really helps clear up the morning fog.

    I will shower later in the day, but only after a workout.

    My routine cannot be complete without the am shower.

  • Solace

    Bendrr, I shower every morning and also before bed but only because I usually shower before we uhhh,, well, Im sure you get the picture.

    We have two curious kids so we cant really mess around in the morning.

    # 1 Brush Teeth ( I hate morning breath )

    # 2 Do you really want to know that I go potty now?

    # 3 Shower & get ready for work

    # 4

  • Beck_Melbourne

    Francois...no M = no Medication
    I don't need any, I'm spayed ya Noddy...but I do still have my ovaries if that is any consolation!!

  • Derrick

    [1] Hit snooze bar a couple of times

    [2] Take a few gulps of bottled water

    [3] Shave

    [4] Drink glass of fresh orange juice then brush teeth

    [5] Shower, towel dry, comb hair

    [6] Put on boxer shorts, then semi-formal trowsers each starting with left leg first, hop-balance on left leg while grappling with right leg next, middle leg last, then buckle -- sorry Puffs, this level of detail is probably more than you care to know

    [7] Put on button-down shirt, fasten all buttons except for top button of course

    [8] Put on belt and wrist watch

    [9] Unbuckle trowsers for quick tuck of shirt tails, buckle trowsers and belt, put on socks and shoes

    [10] Clip cell phone to trowsers, put billfold, moneyclip and car keys in pockets

    [11] Grab cold bottled water from fridge

    [12] Arm and lock house, get in car, start gulping ice cold water and head to Starbucks

    [13] Arrive at Starbucks and order coffee, add cream and sugar

    [14] Enjoy coffee during 15 minute freeway commute

    [15] Arrive at office ready for another "kickass productive day" to paraphrase one colleague

  • COMF

    A] Make coffee and drink
    A latte. Irish creme, vanilla, or hazelnut. I roll my own, no Seattle's Best or Starbucks being within reasonable distance.

    [B] Make tea and drink
    No. Coffee for me.

    [C] Use the toilet; sitting or standing
    Good grief, is there anyone alive who doesn't? My position depends on the driving need at the time.

    [D] Take a shower
    Ayup. Jimmy Buffet to the contrary, Juicy Fruit is not enough to wash the night away.

    [E] Make love, with yourself or your companion
    When she's here, yes indeedy. Note that these are not in strict chronological order; E normally precedes D (or, occasionally, coincides with it).

    [F] Read the morning newspaper
    Nay, fair maid, nay.

    [G] Watch the morning news on TV

    [H] Smoke a cigarette
    (Kaff kaff kaff, gag, choke) NO! Not for the past four and a half years, anyway.

    [I] Wake your family
    I live alone.

    [J] Let out the dog or cat
    I live alone.

    [K] Eat breakfast
    Yep. Normally, two or three eggs, over-medium or scrambled, with Pace "Roasted Tomato" picante sauce liberally topping them off, and a couple of pieces of toast. Orange juice and the latte mentioned above. Sometimes I swap this out for oatmeal and an apple or banana.

    [L] Put on clothing and walk out the door to go to work

    [M] Take your medication
    Yep, because I feel so much better when I do.

    [N] ________ fill in the blank with anything missed
    Carry my breakfast in to the study and have a peek at JWD while I'm eating.

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