David Splane: The Catholic Church brought the Gospel into China!

by FusionTheism 35 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • FusionTheism


    That is a superb point I didn't even catch before.

    If the Catholics who were obeying Jesus in the past 1900 years WERE actually of the anointed, that would require a huge new shift in the Society's 144,000 doctrine.

    The Society would have to come out and say that the number 144,000 is symbolic like all the other numbers in Revelation.

  • TheWonderofYou

    The question remains, what is the reason that this specific complicated, morning worship has been uploaded to TV? ....

  • prologos

    Even the Catholic Church has it's own "anointed" class, the "Saints", only a select few get past the Devil's advocate's objections and:

    For Wt this not entirely new light, in the past they credited the other religions to be part of the dragnet parable, but only ending up with the bad fishes.

    what really is a drag on the wt now is the net. (jw-net)

    TheWonderofYou: David Splane always had a habit of taken off on a tangent on subjects he must have nursed for a while. now it is official.

  • TheWonderofYou
    Whenever the bible was available in scrolls form or in bookform is not the matter.... our judge is jesus.... he judges us not for mental knowledge, mental ability of bible passages, mental knowledge about old or new covenant whethera law applies or not., how much we study the bible book in family whorship, jesus did not tell his apostels to write a book to recite or remember, he did not say that we have to study the bible, to study theology, to study types or antitypes,..... later the church added the 4 gospels, and apostle letters to the canon only to better remember jesus, a possibiliy to hear jesus in his words, although jesus never said to make notes on his conventions with his disciples ;-) ......only to listen..;-). and he said as our fathers remembered without notes .....Judgement is according to the kowlege by heart this is Love to god, our connection to him, jesus only wants mercy, love and faith .....not mental knowledge .....that we have mercy towards others. Lately Jw will discover that their jwlogy was an unnecessary phantasm a chimera, the authentic faith is in the church (Catholic and sister churches)
  • TheWonderofYou
    Hey prologos: The catolic Saints are not anointed for a special service in the kingdom... they are only models, they represent each of us, you and me.. you are sanctified by god himself, All saints means lately all who are loved by jesus, this is celebrated at all saints day, all hallow, that all christians are sanctified and able to get divine blessings, they are ecamples not ....kings not arrogant, they can be named, identified, the 144ooo can not be identified, thats the difference! We can ask the saints to help us to find our way in our life, the 144000 dont help us really, how could they if we dont know them.so the anonym 144000 class or antitype can be misused by the watchtowe, because only they know who they arewritte in their secret scrolls.. hahahs... in old watvchtowers. Perhsps the 14400 will help us more in the millenium, but we cannot ask them for help because they are not identified and unreachable in jw heaven, far away of our daily sorrows.
  • FayeDunaway
    I'm actually surprised Splane used the word 'gospel'! Shouldn't he have said 'Bible' or Some other witness approved lingo? Are they saying gospel now?
  • freein2004

    He actually took a dig at the Catholic Church right at the beginning ofvthe quoted comments. He said "strangely" it was the Catholic church that took the message to preach seriously.

    He took one more dig at them and Martin Luther I believe. He said somethink like Martin Luther was almost a Catholic. Oh Gawed! The horror! Ha! They still cannot help themselves from insulting the Catholics. Some habits die hard.

  • TheWonderofYou
    The JW heaven is a distinct place, real place in the material cosmos!, the catholic heaven is a symbol for a place near Gods heart, and our heaven is open for prayers to our saints , cool. Do the 144000 now live somewhere and enjoy the 100 year festival? Why are they not reporting to the watchtower about the already deleted false prophesy by jesus on the throne? Why not comforting the GB or the remnant bros if they live and already sit on their thrones..by a call or tweet.....or are they dead and waiting for their kingdom job yet because a new light had established? What eccactly is the job of the remainig members of the remnant slave class... while they are confusing the whole mankind about their identity? Do the remaining remnants have a voive at all?
  • never a jw
    never a jw
    Who, during those 1900 years, put together the Bible? Answer: a bunch of apostates who will eventually give rise to the Catholic church. Therefore, the Bible was not good spiritual food, nor was it delivered at the proper time ( during the1900 years between the early apostles and the Watchtower, somewhere between the second and the fifth century AD)
  • TheWonderofYou
    How do we call the gospel.... the gospel according to mattew and so on....or good news... what is tje gospel at all.. interesting

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