by minimus 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • Jewel

    I was a very good example--until I went to college after high school. Went to the local community college, continued to live at home, went out in service, but suddenly was "marked". Odd thing was, my best friend at the time went to the same college and wasn't "marked". Big difference between us was that she was and elder's daughter and was taking nursing classes. The official explanation was that SHE was taking classes so that she could "support herself while serving Jehovah". Apparently I was taking classes so that I could get my hands on all those Satan-inspired textbooks...

    After I graduated from college, I got a job at the same community college I had attended. I'd been out of high school six or seven years and was, by this time, Director of Financial Aid for the community college district and at meetings, the occasional elder would ask me how classes were going. I'd been out of college for a couple of years and they had no clue. I was already working on my slow fade so I just answered that classes were going just great (I assume that they were-we had lots of students in the classes anyway) I didn't mention that I WASN'T a student any more-just laughed at them silently.

    Now I hope I'm a good example of how great life can be when you leave a mind controlling religion...

  • SYN

    13thApostoGuy: You read the WHOLE ATBU book? GOOD GOD! How many hours of your life did you ?waste on that?


    I was a shit disterbing elders kid who hung out with other shit distubing elders kids.Mostly we were just mischievious.We did get people laughing though,and drove a lot of elders and "holyer than thou,dubs" nuts..LOL...OUTLAW

  • outoftheorg

    During the time I was an elder and before that I really tried to be the perfect witness. I was looked up to by the r&f. They would come to me for help and I would try to use common sense and what I knew of counseling. The worldly type, together with scriptures.

    But you know, that really pissed off the elders. With one or two exceptions. I could never have their approval or acceptance. It got to where I totally lost respect for most of them.

    I recall the CO asking for my key ring to open the KH. I had a lot of keys on it due to the business keys and others. He holds them up high and snottily declares you can tell this guy has lots of toys! The truth of the matter was I did not. I could hardly afford to have a car.

    Damn I am so glad to be out of that mess!


  • L_A_Big_Dawg

    One way at school

    One way at the Hall.

    Guess I was a bad example.

  • Sabine

    Well, one elder introduced us to speaker from NY as the strongest family 
    in the congregation. He said we not only put in almost half of all the 
    hours spent in service, but also half the contributions too!!
    Gee I bet they miss our $$$$!!!
  • blondie

    Depends on who you talk to.

  • LittleToe

    Good example

    International Convention Delegate
    Regular Pioneer, then regularly Auxillaried when I could
    Pioneer Wife
    Elder at an early age
    Circuit Assembly Items
    Being groomed as a C.O.
    One of the few guys trusted with talk 13 - "A Godly View of Sex and Marriage."

    How depressing!!!

  • SYN

    What a waste, eh LittleToe? But I'm sure you did your best!

  • 13th_apostate

    ve9gra: I am so glad I didnt take the plunge. if I hadn't have listened to myself, I could see what would have happened: a 10 yr bid at bethel and then on to a life time of elder corruption.

    SYN: dude, it was a rumor. really. I only read the good parts. besides, I read more comic books than I did watchtowers. hell, I still read more comic books than I do watchtowers. heh.


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