by minimus 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • Incense_and_Peppermints

    sadly, i was a very good example. even my thoughts weren't my own...

  • plmkrzy

    Were you considered a good example?



    But I can say that it wasn't a unanomous judgement.

    There were some that considered me a good example of a human being despite majority thoughts.

    Those are the ones I considered real people.

    The rest i've pretty much brushed asside

    Edited by - plmkrzy on 25 July 2002 1:0:52

  • StinkyPantz

    I was considered a good example and it sucked!! Whenever new girls came to our hall I was EXPECTED to make friends with them no matter how gross or nerdy they were.

  • Moridin

    Growing up we were THE example in the congregation. My dad was an elder, my mom a pioneer, sister and I pioneered during vacations and my father and I were always giving parts at the conventions. I hated it. I led a double life through most of my teen years and the guilt was so hard to bear for me because I believed most of it. Now my father and I are both out and my sister and mother are still in. My father and I almost had our sister out and my mother was able to get her back in and they are both die hard witnesses.

  • Wolfgirl

    I was considered a very good example, up until I started dating my first husband. One elder even told me, "I'm holding you up as an example for my young daughter. Don't let me down."

  • Preston

    I was considered a very good example by my elder body....now I'm having sex with a guy, go figure!

  • Rado Vleugel
    Rado Vleugel

    Long time ago I was a good example...

    To give you an idea of how "good" I was I'll quote the January 15th 1994 Watchtower, page 21 an 22:

    ". . . everything to do with our worship is related to our relationship with Jehovah and his organization. This includes pioneering. A young pioneer named Rado explained: "For a young person, there is nothing finer than remembering Jehovah and walking in the way of the truth."

    Yes, pioneering is a fine way for youths to
    demonstrate their love for Jehovah and closeness to him.

    . . . Rado, mentioned earlier, was six years old when two pioneers studied the Bible with his parents. When still very young, he regularly accompanied
    these full-time preachers in the field ministry.
    Rado himself became a regular pioneer at the age of 17."

    They aren't as happy with me now as they were.

    Rado Vleugel,

  • Xandria

    I was a good example... yep. Of what not to be !

    According to the Elders I was a terrible daughter.. b/c my mom had to vigorously discipline me always. An of course we lived in such deplorable conditions... ( ie: Campgrounds and later a poverty level). That I was not a "good" association by them judging my living conditions (as if I had a choice) as a indication on my moral and association status.

    Not once did they stop to ask me what I thought, felt or knew. They did not know me at all. Yet they surely could judge me wanting. Go figure.

    Only twice did I have a person of the same age show humanity to me . One had a brother who was d/f at the time. An the other.. she was beyond the petty crap. That is rare for a 17 year old within the org.


  • Prisca
    They aren't as happy with me now as they were.

    LOL.... that'd be the understatement of the year!

    Our family was considered one of the "pillars" of the congregation - Dad had been a PO (and Congregation Servant before the 70s) for decades, Mum was a well-respected elder's wife who had a firm faith in Jehovah right up to her death, and then was my sister and I - elder's daughters who never did a thing wrong (I'm not joking, not even a drag on a cigarette or uttered a swear word!)

    As an adult, I stayed a "good girl", because I fully bought into the whole JW doctrine. Attended every meeting, went witnessing every Saturday morning, picked up sisters for the meetings and field service, etc etc.

  • Mackin

    Was I a good example?

    It depends who you ask.

    I suppose I was considered a "good example" by the publishers but the other elders I'm sure thought I was a bit of a trouble maker because I questioned lots of things. Same in Bethel, I often didn't just accept their "company line" all the time.

    I guess that's why I eventually saw the truth of the "truth."


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