by Mary 50 Replies latest jw friends

  • Beans

    Actually, it was actually starting to believe the shit they were talking about!


  • professor

    Lets see, I:

    Played worldly songs on the Kingdom Hall Piano. (Scorpions "Rock You Like a Hurricane" Led Zepplin "Stairway to Heaven" etc.)

    Fantasized about sweet and supple JW sisters and imagined what they may look like naked.

    Made out with a JW sister in the KH parking lot.

    Winked at JW sisters during the meeting. (do you see a theme here?)

    Shared dirty jokes before and after the meeting.

    Took the KH library tapes of the meetings and dubbed over them.

    Talked to disfellowshipped persons.

    Defaced my Watchtower with silly doodles.

    Circulated a joke card about the presiding overseer (got caught for that one: ouch!)

    Didn't always pay for my literature when they were still charging.

    Falsified my pioneer hours and placements.

    Harboured secret contempt for a JW family.

    After being disfellowshipped:

    Call a random Kingdom Hall. Brother or sister answers "Hello, Kingdom Hall". Then say "HA! you just said hello to a disfellowshipped person!" and hang up.

    I'm sure there's more!

    Edited by - professor on 24 July 2002 0:24:6

  • Farkel


    : ... but in reality, I was rying to hide my little problem

    When I was 14-16 that happened to me right before or during EVERY talk I was scheduled to give. Mom couldn't understand why I wanted dress trousers that were several sizes too large!

    I SWEAR I am not making this up! (I'd give just about anything for those days again!)



    I did stand up comedy during my ministerial talk at the KH.It pissed the elders off,but everyone else seemed to enjoy themselves..LOL...OUTLAW

  • Jesus Christ
    Jesus Christ

    A certain fellow I know, after DA'ing himself, took one of his son's really dirty diapers and rubbed it all over the door handle of the Kingdom Hall. Same guy also super glued some tooth picks and then broke them off in all of the door locks the afternoon before the memorial one year. He's also planning on pooring some petrol onto the grass of the local KH in the shape of "CULT" where many passer by's can see it. Quite the humerous chap that guy is...........

  • LyinEyes

    Too many to put in order....

    Laughing all the time at anything.

    Playing in the bathroom with my best friend , trying to rip each others pantyhose to shreads. Our mothers wondered why we didnt have on our hose.

    Making faces at my husband while he was giving a talk on "A Godly view of Marriage... especially the sex parts.

    Making faces at with my mother in law about being a submissive wife.. ( my ass submissive!!!crap)

    Laughing at my kids, laughing with my kids, when they farted, farted on purpose, made farting noises .

    Laughing at my son when he would purposely say Amen very loudly 15 seconds before the brother could.

    Having gossip fest in the bathroom with the other gossips in the ladies room.

    Sleeping on the couch in the ladies rooms on Sunday mornings.

    Eating candy all during the meeting and drinking a coke... I had a scratchy throat..ok!

    Writing in my journal instead of taking notes.

    Sleeping in the library because I had a headache.. i really did alot of times.

    Laughing about Abraham getting off his ass...... trying to hold the giggle in, but came out my nose.

    Walking around outside with one of the unruly kids, and throwing pine cones and rocks, or looking for bugs.

    Almost was tempted to drink a beer durning the half way song, it was in the cooler in the back of the truck.... wish I would have now.

  • butalbee

    I actually was dumb enough to step foot inside the KH.

  • zenpunk

    I was always just a little bit "out there". Besides laughing (one time my poor dad said orgasm instead of organism when reading the watchtower - my mother and I thought we would die laughing), I dared a snooty prissy girl at the hall to go in the mens room, sit on the urnal, and pee. Well, she did it and she got caught. Her strict parents were mortified that their precious girl had been defiled by the "men's toilet", I got off with a light brush from the wooden spoon. So I totally thought it was worth it.

  • zev

    i dont know if these are nessesarily bad....

    or good


    1). i'd stand in the back, in the foyer, and wait till it was really quiet....and FART really loud....

    was always good to get everyone giggling.

    2). go to the meeting slightly lit....had a few "with my lunch, of course" (eyes rolling)

    3). when handed a "list" or scheduale for the attendednts, or mikes, i'd tear it up and hand it back to the slave who gave it to me. i had a real attitude (altitude) problem with being "volunteered" without asking my permission if i wanted to be on these "lists".

    4). got into a argument, a real screamer, with an elder, so much so they had to escort us to a room where they could close the door and mufflel the yelling. he was a tough old coot, and i was as stubborn as they come. he backed down when i got in his face.

    edited to add this doosey

    5). during a morning service meeting one saturday, i had forgot to turn off my handheld "ham" radio, and one of the local "worldly" friends of mine broke the deafining silence by announcing his presence on the local club repeater.... this is n1-so-and-so listening, the repeater i.d.ed in c.w. all before i could find the volume/on/off dial. no one was impressed, but i thought it was funny as hell.

    Edited by - zev on 24 July 2002 15:4:27

  • SpiceItUp

    When I was little I used to pick my nose and put the boogers on the back of the seat in front of me....lol...kinda makes me wish I still picked my nose...hee hee

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