Who is an atheist here, just wondering?

by spectromize 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • Moridin


    I believe that exjws go in both extremes....many become very devout born again christians and on the other extreme many become very vocal atheists. Just my observations though.

  • idaho

    Hi spectromize, uncle bruce and others

    First time aboard.

    quoting uncle bruce:

    Calling all Norwegians! I was almost an atheist but never quite made it. My homemade 'reality catapult' flung me well clear of the JW/christian castle but not quite into the Viking fort. (phew what a ride)

    I'm Norwegian and not an atheist anymore. Although I've had my time in atheisic humanism, but now I'm a believer of another faith. Think about that ride!
    Not all vikings live up to their reputation as "heathens" ;) some of us Vikings are the peaceful sort... Historically there have been conflicts between the "heathen vikings" and other Norwegians, and in the end the wicked heathens lost, although they did need some convincing (with a sword and axe). Apparently there are still quite
    few around....now,where did I put my sword...

    So uncle bruce don't go giving all of us vikings a bad name, you do know that we vikings practically sailed halfway around the world, so don't feel too safe now! ;)

    greeting from unatheist - viking class!

  • ianao


    Are you really a viking? That's a new one.

    Never met one before.

    Um, hello.

    Uh, please don't cut me up too bad...

  • unclebruce

    G'day Idaho,

    The Vikings have been given a bad name or at least one as 'invaders' by popular media yet they were most often settlers and 'civilizers' of places they went. (still herders pushing out nomadic peoiples but that's another story)

    I fully respect the likes of Kent, Norm and Jan, avowed athiest Vikings who have done tremendous work in freeing folk from cultic myth allowing them to pursue their own journey. I cannot readily explain what I believe but don't think any box or book can contain 'the truth'.

    pleased to meet you, unclebruce

  • larc


    You have posed a question and received a number of honest statements of believe. Now, I would like to pose some quesstions to you. As a Jehovah's Witness, do you believe everything that the organization teaches you? Do you have any doubts at all, and if so, what are they? If you have doubts, do you feel comfortable enough with us to express them?

    I have not seen you post anywhere since your question. Are you still with us?

  • idaho

    Hi unc and ianao

    Thanks for your reply. My posting was just an attempt of a
    friendly(?) opening. As a former humanist (does that me an inhumanist now?), I respect others that do not believe in a “God” Many of my close (older) friends are still atheists. I also understand that amany exJWs have had experiences with the organization which have led them to new paths in their “journey”. Unfortunately (in my view) these negative experiences have caused many persons to lose their entire belief in “God”, which perhaps is a consequence of their experiences. But is it necessary to throw out the baby with the bathwater?
    I have no beef with your mentioned “vikings”, although others do ;).

    I see that you have some knowledge of the real Vikings. In fact, many of these were farmers, and merchants, who explored the world often to build a better life for themselves and their families. These were often very much civilized group of people. Then there were others who “enriched their lives” by stealing, raping and murdering others. That’s when they went “viking”.

    Don’t worry ianao, I’ll won’t cut you up too bad, my “sword” is of a different sort. With so many freespirited thinkers around (and vikings), I think I’ll probably need the “sword” more for my own protection ;)


  • Sunchild

    <<Sunchild, glad to see you here. How's the book writing going?>>

    Reasonably well, I think. I'm working on chapters eight and nine. Thanks for asking, and glad to see you here, too. :)

    *Rochelle. :)

    "Most men complacently accept 'knowledge' as 'truth'. They are sheep, ruled by fear."
    -- Sydney Losstarot, "Vagrant Story."

    Edited by - Sunchild on 16 March 2001 17:46:35

  • Sunchild

    <<I have a friend who has some phsycic ability. Interesting that an ex-JW would go to this side. (Wiccan) Would love to hear more. Feel free to email me.>>

    And you're just as welcome to e-mail me with any questions. :) Right now, I'm a little busy (I'm working on a fantasy novel -- something I've wanted to do since I was 14), but I hope we'll cross paths again.

    *Rochelle. :)

    "Most men complacently accept 'knowledge' as 'truth'. They are sheep, ruled by fear."
    -- Sydney Losstarot, "Vagrant Story."

  • rem

    I guess I belong to the weak athiest/agnostic camp. I've done some research on science (evolution, astronomy, physics), logic, and the bible. It was a scary road, but I finally came to the conclusion that there is no more evidence for god than there is for invisible pink unicorns in my head. Of course I can't prove that either don't exist, but I've found that my life has not been negatively impacted by regarding both as nonexistant. If evidence does prove either's existance, I will gladly accept that and hopefully have some meaningful relationship with the former (though I highly doubt that at the moment).

    The way I see it, if god does exist (at least the Judeao-Christian god) then he is extremely incompetent. This shows through his supposed authorship of the Bible, his haphazard design for the universe and carbon based life forms, and his deranged human redemption plan. Oh yeah, and he's morally corrupt, which is easily discernable from a cursory browse through the OT.

    Anyway, I'm here because I was born and raised a JW and I finally broke myself and several family members free about a year ago. Life has been interesting lately - making the transition from fundemantalist Christian views to weak atheist/agnostic ones. It feels good to be in the company of fellow exJW's who have been there, done that. And just maybe I can provide some grand insights to others who are stuggling to get out or with the grand questions of life (maybe not). :)


  • spectromize

    Thank you folks for all your answers. I've been very busy these past few days and apoligize for not getting back to you on some of your questions. I will try to answer you, at present I have to use the librarie's computer and they limit your time, however I haven't forgotten about you here so please be patient with me.

    Thanks from spec.

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