Lots of Jehovah Bashing in Here

by Perfection Seeker 57 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Perfection Seeker
    Perfection Seeker

    Seems like alot of people have bad things to say about Jehovah in here. I don't. It's not Jehovahs fault the organization is so ****ed up. I think when people leave the organization, they lump it all together- Jehovah- religion, organization, etc. I HATED the organization & what it stood for- and thought it was a bad representation of Jehovah (God- whatever name you want to use) But, it isn't God's fault that people are screwing up in his name! Seems like ALOT of people leave the witnesses & become atheist or agnostic, or doubtful. I am not doubtful there is a God, but just doubtful that he used the WTS to be his one & only means.

    Just wanted to say that. Besides that- this site is awesome! :-)

    Yikes- I have a feeling I am going to get a tongue lashing on this one! BUT, Jehovah (GOD) has been WONDERFUL to me. Its those brainwashed cult people that are messed up- hard to seperate it at times, though, I know.


  • dustrabbit

    And it's Jehovah who has proven that he's homicidal.

    And wishy-washy too. Back in college, after I left the dubs, I took a "Bible as Literature"..had to use a bible other than the JWs'...it was a long time ago, but I seem to remember that somewhere in Kings and Chronicals (Can't remember which book -- 1 or 2)there were two conflicting views of when King David had the census. In one book it says he was told by Jehovah's spirit to do it and he gets punished for it. In the other version, Satan gets his kicks and gets the ball rolling...(can somebody more knowledgable help me out on this one? I don't have a Bible here in China with me.)

    So, now, tell me why i shouldn't bash the almighty Jehovah...he's worse than the dubs, in my book.

  • BeautifulGarbage

    Hey PS,

    BUT, Jehovah (GOD) has been WONDERFUL to me.

    Not bashing

    How do you know it was Jehovah?

    If Jehovah has been wonderful to you, why not others?


  • Satanus

    I see no reason to stop bashing jehovah. After all, he's a big guy, and supposedly can fight own fights, argue his own arguements, defend himself. Or, can he???


  • italianmomma

    I agree with you. We don't need to throw out the baby with the bath water.

    Part of a ex JW's recovery is to reconcile themselves to God. Not saying that all have to do that but I found a deeper relationship with God when I realized that jw's dont represent him. They represent the old men at bethel. Themselves!

    To those who don't believe in God. I can respect you and what you have been through. I can love you and have no need to change you. Can you do the same?

  • Wendy


    I understand what you are saying. When I was a christian, *I* felt personally slighted when someone questioned my faith, or made derogatory comments to the God I chose to believe in. But I must tell you, when I fully took my blinders off, it was a very freeing experience. It is very hard NOT to comment now, when a person attempts to defend their faith. As a matter of fact Andee beat me to what I was going to ask ya haha Many here still believe in God, so don't feel alone.


  • dustrabbit

    Isn't funny? When good things come/goes somebody's way, they often say it was b/c of God's (good) graces or b/c God was blessing them. but when it's bad things, it's b/c God wanted it that way...or b/c the person saw themself as a sinner....
    Wake up, it ain't like that...not by a long shot. Thats just somebody not wanting to believe it's luck/coincidence

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Unfortunately The Witness God is so twisted, so merciless and demanding, that Many here have been turned against the concept of The Biblical god.

    Perhaps in time, like 20 years (as in my own case) they will open up to the possibility when their pain and anger disipates.

  • logical

    Well the way I see it is.....

    Years ago people were getting restless and impatient waiting for their Lord to return. So they created an image of God and called it "Jehovah". Now, when people realise that their Jehovah is nothing more than a name, just an image with no real power, when they realise they were lied to, conned, I think that gives them a right to be angry. Let them vent, let them get it out their system.

    Strange how history repeats itself isnt it?

  • dustrabbit

    Logical: I knid of agree with you here on the invention of "Jehovah"...but I really like to know what motivated the Isrealites on this one...

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