Do you care that you offend JW's?

by wholewheat 59 Replies latest jw friends

  • tdogg

    If someone is offended by reading ideas that run counter to one's beliefs, oh well. If one takes offence in a discussion of religious ideas, that sometimes is a sign that the person has encountered an idea that opposes his/her belief system and that cannot be reconcilled. The confusion can trigger defense mehanisms that result in emotional response.

    So if you can't stand the heat, then well, you know the rest. I think I have wasted enough life as a JW that I am entiled to have strong opinions toward them. However if someone posts stricktly for the purpose of offending someone, I would consider it rude.

  • patio34

    Hi Wholewheat,

    I haven't welcomed you yet, so welcome!

    Your question: do I care if I offend JWs. My answer is that I would not intentionally nor hurtfully offend a JW. But on a free-discussion forum like this, if they would be offended, then they should: a) Leave; b) develop a tougher skin; or c) Open their minds a bit. The whole purpose of this forum is for JWs and XJWs to be able to speak freely, something no JW can do at the Kingdom Hall or with other JWs.

    I was a JW for 28 years--from my 20s till now and I know of what I speak. I always had doubts about evolution and whether there was a god or not. Would I have ever stated this in a car group? Or to friends? You know the answer to that. So, I value my freedom of speech that I now have and wouldn't give it up, even if some were offended.

    So, do I care if my newfound freedom of speech may offend some JWs? Sorry, but no, I don't.


    Edited to add this P.S.: Your question was do I worry about offending JWs and I answered do I care. Ha! I don't even care much, let alone worry.

    Edited by - Patio34 on 7 July 2002 23:39:16

  • Solace

    I feel bad if I offend anyone actually, it wouldnt matter what religion they belong to.

    On the other hand, if someone is constantly offending me or people that I care about, I find it hard to sit back and do nothing. It isnt the witnesses that I dislike, it is the society and its practices.

  • eyegirl

    well said tdogg

  • minimus

    Why do you care to know??

  • Mackin

    I agree totally with Prisca's comment. Sometimes things need to be said, even if they offend hypersensitive JW's.

    I come here primarily for my own benefit, and this board has brought me great relief and friendship. If any of my posts assist lurking JW's to get out of the Borg then that is an added bonus.


    Hey WholeWheat, could care less if I offend a dub with the truth.They constantly speak about truth,rarely speak the truth,and sure the hell don`t like to hear the truth.Most need serious lessons in common sense.What kind of an idiot go`s from door to door threating the lives of the house holder and their family in the name of their religion.If it weren`t for the laws of the land dubs hide behind,I`m sure many would be shot on the spot.I have no mercy for those who support the death of me and my family if I don`t join their religion.If I did the same,to the same JW hypocrate bastards,they would scream religious persecution.They want religious freedom and threaten the life of anyone else who wants the same.Like I said,hypocrate bastards...OUTLAW

    Edited by - OUTLAW on 7 July 2002 23:40:42

    Edited by - OUTLAW on 7 July 2002 23:50:33

  • professor

    Sometimes the truth hurts, but it still must be stated. Jehovah's Witnesses that I know have a nice way of sugar-coating their words and they pass it off as tact. I am less concerned with what someone thinks of ME personally then I am with someone being presented with the plain facts. If someone thinks I'm an asshole because I told them something they needed to hear, I can live with that. As a Jehovah's Witness I would have been more concerned about how a situation made ME look.

    By the way, wholewheat, welcome back.

  • VioletAnai

    Sometimes some of you just don't see that when you're being particularly vicious you're fulfilling the 'false prophets' 'wolves in sheeps clothing' and therefore cementing in the jw's mind that they DO have the right religion.......

    Sometimes you need to think about the consequences of your actions. Strike that. We all need to think about the consequences of our actions.....ALL the time.

    Edited by - Violetanai on 7 July 2002 23:45:11

  • Grout

    Shocking people out of their complacency is a time-honored technique.

    On the other hand, I've never been inclined to make people uncomfortable without a purpose.

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