by minimus 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • professor

    Of course this was written 50 years ago when it was the gentlemanly thing to do to tip your hat, open doors, pull out chairs, etc. for the ladies. This statement probably caused more of a stir back then, when the Watchtower always seemed to be going for shock value. "See how separate and different we are!"

    Today you have to be careful because some women feel it is demeaning to have a door opened or a chair pulled out. I usually do anyways. Most ladies don't mind and I enjoy extending the courtesy. But tipping a hat or standing when a lady gets up seems kind of silly. I might tip a hat and say "howdy ma'am!" if I were some freakin cowboy from the wild wild west. I find other ways to practice creature worship.

    Edited by - professor on 6 July 2002 22:34:12

  • Perry

    You made me laugh Beautiful Garbage...really did.

  • Kenneson

    But to elevate the man above the woman--that's O.K. And that isn't creature worship???

  • neyank

    It is subtly disguised creature worship!

    I wonder why the WTS calls showing manners creature worship?

    There is no worshiping going on by opening doors, pulling chairs out or tipping hats.

    Next thing the GB will be telling their followers is that they shouldn't say thank you to women because women should be doing things for men without getting thanked.

    BTW. The GB talks about creature worship quite a bit.

    How come JWs worship the GB but that's not considered creature worhip?

    The JWs will do whatever the GB demands of them.

    The JW believes whatever the GB tells them to believe whenever they tell them to
    even if the JW thinks the GB is wrong.

    To me that's creature worship.


  • Windchaser

    Call me old-fashioned. I look at these things as being considerate.

    I live in an area where there are very healthy older people who go for their daily walks around my block. When I have had the pleasure of being on the sidewalk at the same time, it has always given me a smile and warmed my heart when an old gent tips his hat to me.

    I love men with manners. I love it when they let me get off the elevator first, when they open doors for me and let me go before them, when they rise when I enter a room. It makes me feel special. I always smile and say thank you. Wish I saw it more often.

  • neyank

    Windy says,

    . "It makes me feel special."

    Oh Oh.

    I think you're leaning towards wanting to be worshipped!!!!!!!!!

    For shame, for shame, for shame.

    It's ok Windy.

    I'll open the doors and tip my hat for you anytime.

    Oh wait a minute.

    I don't wear a hat.

    I'd better start wearing one now eh??


  • Beans

    I have never rose for a man and I only rise for the ladies!


  • Windchaser

    Hehe, neyank, of course I want to be worshipped!

  • Dismembered

    I rise

  • minimus

    To my knowledge, this understanding has never been updated. "Rising for a woman" is still a sin.

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