My surreal district convention

by RunningMan 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • COMF

    Some things never change... like the nearness of the end.

    "Jehoagie" - I was literally laughing out loud for a long time at that. Very good!

  • betweenworlds

    Wow! They still serve food at the assemblies you attend? In the USA they stopped selling food and refreshments to *simplify* things.

    LOL I remember the assemblies at lake Placid up in NY and they were frying egg rolls :) ahhh the good old days

  • lauralisa

    Running man,

    If I could have been sitting next to someone like YOU at those dreaded conventions, I think I would have actually ENJOYED myself ......

    LMAO, and never eating a jehoagie again, ever


  • LyinEyes

    This was a very funny post RunningMan. I laughed outloud too, the hoagie, the mad rush for the book, and almost running over the parking attendent. I remember my husband would ignore their direction as to where to park, man they were pissed. They would wave their arms like they were directing an airplane to land. I laughed in their faces at how stupid they looked.

    We left the JW a year ago, my son was 14 at the time and he was the only thing that made the meetings tolerable. We would write notes, elbow each other when someone said something studid, which was quiet often.

  • SloBoy

    Yo Running Man......Why can't I ever find YOUR KIND to sit with? At our last kunvinshun, we were cutting-up in a most irreverent manner. The bro. sitting next to us spent a great deal of time glaring, and afterwards kept dogging us to find out what ' cong. do you two attend ? ' ....anyhoooo thanks for the keen report.

  • Elsewhere

    Hide the bananas. hehe


    Funny story, Running Man! Please keep writing more!

    My last six months of being "in," I lied about what convention or assembly I was going to: "Oh, I'm not going to our assigned assembly because it's more convenient for my unbelieving mate if I attend the one two weeks later." This way, I missed all meetings the week the cong. was gone, then I missed the week I was "supposedly" gone. Bonus! I also missed the boring rehash at the hall. Theocratic lying is so cool!


  • tdogg

    My heart goes out to you brother, noone should have to endure that nonsense. I was feeling drained just reading your post, only the levity saved me. Im glad you can keep a sense of humor. Maybe instead of Matt 24:14 you can take faith in the words of old John 3:16 "the truth will set you free",(but only after the closing prayer).

  • GermanXJW

    Sorry for my ignorance. But what is a 'hoagie'?

  • SYN
    I immediately conjured up a mental image of answering a knock at the door to Magilla guerrilla, wearing a suit and tie, and carrying a briefcase. I whispered to my son, "Well, hide the bananas, of course". At this point, we all lost it, and it took my wife quite a while to settle the row down again.

    LOL! Brilliant post! And I feel bored already just thinking about it!

    It's amazing how the Dubs have managed to make the Convention program identical across continents AND decades!

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