Most Embarrasing Witness Moment from Childhood

by Perfection Seeker 31 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Prisca

    Knocking on the doors of schoolfriends while witnessing - worst was when you knew which house was their's, and there was no way of getting out of it.

  • mommy1

    One of my teachers put my desk right in front of the flag so when it came time to salute the flag everyone would be looking at me sitting there.

  • gumby

    Standing there like a jackass while everyone recited the pledge of allegiance..LOL



    Knocking on the doors of schoolfriends while witnessing - worst was when you knew which house was their's, and there was no way of getting out of it.

    I would have to go with these two.

    Why do you suppose it caused embarrasment? We really weren't PROUD to be a witness......were we?

  • 13th_apostate

    explaining to all your 3rd grade friends why santa clause doesn't come visit you. especially since santa did visit the couple years before.


  • FriendlyFellaAL

    This thread has brought back some incredibly painful memories...

    When I was a sophomore in high school I took advanced history (don't know why...couldn't go to college!). My teacher was a real hard-case who thought that the best way for her to teach was to stand at the front of the classroom and 'lecture' us while we took notes. We never took normal tests, they were all essay. One day while I was out sick she assigned term papers from a selected list of subjects. When I returned to class there was only one subject left...Erasmus. Being the good JW that I was, I went home and plowed through the index looking for information and found scads of it. Did my report and turned it in. When she saw my bibliography she immediately gave me a lesser grade - a D. I went to her after class and asked why. She informed me that because I only used one source, a religious propaganda magazine, my report was not balanced and I did not deserve a better grade. Way too harsh!

    The same year, my English teacher discovered that I was a JW when I couldn't participate in some of the holiday related activities. My grades immediately began to suffer. Never on things where the answers were straightforward and obvious, but on book reports and essay type questions. Where she had once been friendly and conversational with me she now was downright hostile. I talked with some of the young ones from my hall and their experiences with her were the same as mine. I was able to get a bit of revenge on her, though. Just a few months ago she was running for public office in my area. I used my newly acquired voting skills to help make sure that she lost her election. LOL!

  • LyinEyes

    Were to start, where to start? The pledge, being excused to wait outside while it was recited,very humiliating. Also having to stand in front of the class and try my best to explain why we didnt celebrate Christmas. No matter how hard I tried on that one,,everyone looked at me like I was the antiChrist. I remember all the class voting, I had to write Jesus on mine. When the time came in high school for being nominated for things like class officers, prom queen,other various school dances and events, I had to explain I didnt get involved in these things. Thankfully I had some good friends that understood my situation , it didnt take me long to lead a double life. That gave me great guilt , and I felt guilt because I WANTED to do those things so much. I still hate that I missed out on all of those things.

  • Perfection Seeker
    Perfection Seeker

    LYING EYES- I am SO grateful to read you put JESUS on your voting! I feel MUCH better. I cannot believe the torment Witness children go through. It makes me outraged to think of what they put their children through! Yet, they will be the FIRST to say how weird the David Koresh thing was, or other cults, or the Osama followers. What crock.

  • AuntieJane

    To All of you: I never was a JW but have such empathy for what you must have gone thru as kids. I remember just some of the normal, stupid, embarrassing events of childhood....I had freckles, was taller than all the other girls (and boys), and suffered my share of embarrassment. I cannot IMAGINE what it was like for you.

    I would never forgive those ignorant, uncaring teachers who did nothing to help you feel normal. Shame on them.

  • zenpunk

    My whole childhood as a Witness was embarrasing. Throughout high school my mother was convinced (since she gave birth to me at the age of 15) that I was not going to be attractive to boys and make the same mistake. So (I had very bad vision) I was to wear the worst coke-bottle glasses, never and make-up and always homemade feed sack dresses for those formal occaisions! Uggggggh!

  • Jewel

    Once I was sitting in the school cafeteria reading while everybody else was at a pep rally in the gym. The Superintendent came walking through and asked what I was doing. I explained that I didn't attend pep rallies (had already cleared this a couple of years before with the principal-I'd been sitting in the cafeteria for two years). He took offense and lost his temper completely. Said I was a member of the student body "Goddammit" and would go to the "Goddamn pep-rally". He grabbed me by the upper arm and marched me down the hall to the gym. Pushed me through the door and stood there, in full view of the entire student body holding me by the arms. I actually had finger mark bruises the next day. Then I was humiliated (though I remember standing there as tall as I could with my chin up so he wouldn't see it), now I'd sue his ass!

    Jewel (feeling militant just thinking about somebody doing this to a kid...)

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