Another JW suicide

by Mulan 36 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • LyinEyes

    Damn,, this makes me so mad!!!!!!!!!!!!

    It is always hard to speculate why someone commits suicide , maybe the note says why and his wife may want to keep it private. It is possible he could have been depressed not only by some physical/emotional way, but also because of what the WT does to your mind. Certain people are prone to depression and other forms of self destruction, but being a JW will make it so much worse.

    I know this because my mom committed suicide and it was in my opinion a combination of the above mentioned things. She had been d/f for only 4 months and I know she was confused and felt her life was going no where. She lost everything , and who could she turn to.... ?

    So I do blame the WT for a great part in her death. The guilt factor was the main thing that was eating at her. The WT can throw someone out of the only religion they have known, because of smoking, and leave you out in the dark alone , so to speak. That is why I HATE disfellowshipping. I do not think Jesus would have treated people that way. These elders are not trained in matters dealing with depression, they think they are, but they are absolutly not. They just want to hurry up and get someone with problems out of their way... forget about what the person needs.

    I really am sad for the family of this young man. Mostly I am sad for him, I wish he could have came to this site.

  • Mulan

    I can see what people mean when they say we have dark, gray, rainy days here, contributing to suicides, but the last two weeks have been glorious, and sunny and hot. Today it's raining again, and it is a welcome relief. (I can't believe I am saying that) I love the hot weather and the sun and the gray and rainy days get to me, a lot, but the house has been hot, and I have had my 20 month old grandson for a week, and it's hard to take care of him in the heat.

    Anyway, for this suicide, it doesn't fit.

    Thanks Wasa, for the details.

  • Tinkerbell4125

    Mulan, I love to sit on my front porch and watch it rain! I love storms! But I'm in Tennessee and we probably don't get as much rain as you.

    I agree with you about this suicide. I think there's more to it than meets the eye. Unfortunately suicide brings out the worst in people and leaves a lot of unanswered questions.

    My father told my mother that he was sick and tired of being sick and tired right before he put a pistol to his head and pulled the trigger. It has taken me a long to time discuss this and when I do discuss it, I'm careful where I bring it up. I'm always careful not to put someone in a uncomfortable position. I've done that before, leaving me feeling ashamed. It will be seven years in Oct. since he took his life. No note was ever found. He suffered from depression and should have been treated for it. He had said to his homehealth nurse that he would never go back into the hospital if his health got bad. I learned alot after the fact. The family that is going through this tragady right now has joined into a club that no one ever wants to enter into!!! I feel bad for the family. My heart goes out to them. For them, it will be like someone dropped a atomic bomb on them and left a pink elephant right in the middle of the room and NO one will talk about it. First shell shock, then a whirl wind of every emotion you can imagine. It is definantly a trip my friend. I've come a long way, I'm even writing a book about it. It's called.....

    He left no note

    Thanks for sharing this experience with us. People need to know! I've even volunteered my time to help a board of professial counselors understand what I was going through. It was about 50 doctors and counselors. Before we talked we all watched a movie about suicide called..... After Jimmy

    Not only did it help them, it helped me in my healing process. It is better to talk about it when you can.

    I'm so thankful to this place for letting me vent my feelings.

    Tink =:o)

  • Xandria

    Suicide of a loved one is more painful than can be imagined. It is a traumatic and jarring experience that leads to emotional as well as physical and spiritual wrenching pain. It challenges our resiliency and our place in this world. Survivors may experience a variety of feelings such as detachment and estrangement from others, depression, anger, guilt, and questioning that may never be resolved.

    As a survivor of losing a family member to sucide and having a few friends who decided to leave this world in that manner. I know the difficulties and sadness something like this brings. An at times it is very hard to make a positive out come .. come of it.

    Look at the past ...when I was being raised up in the dub religion. I can see where a child, teen or adult would have feelings of severe sadness, depression and impulses of sucide (just to name a few of the disorders).

    The whole atmosphere in the "Society" is very oppressive and the pressures they place on a human being is incredible. Many people feel they have to put on this mask and not be who they are.. or worse they have not sense of who they are by the masks they put on. They don't know who really they are anymore.. having lost their identity in the JW religion. You are not suppost to be "special" or count. Also when there is no one you can TRUST to keep your confidences, to help you and not kick you when you are down and struggling with your issues. You tend to keep more bottled up until it overwhelms you. AN that is no way to live. It is much more harder to live and conquer these issue than die. Death it is final... but the problem still remains un-resolved. An basically what ever had you to this point won. Because it was allowed to overwhelm you and take over your life.

    JW's are so absorbed in their lives, how they present themselves as a family unit.. they don't want to see the serious issues.. they believe if ignored it will be handled by itself. IGNORE it and JEHOVAH will handle it. Jehovah helps those who not only helps themselves .. but we as brothers and sisters should be helping each other. NOT waiting in the shadows to destroy that person for our own self esteem and self worth. That is what happens w/ the eldership.. some low self esteemed person thinks he /she is going to make brownie points by gossiping or turning in the person who really needs be shunned, mentally raped, inquisitioned and tortured emotionally. Until that person doesn't know his or her way out or up.

    An that is not what should be allowed. If you ever have someone who is reaching out .. lend a hand or ear. Just listening can be a major help. Help that person get a good counselor. Watch for signs. Some people show withdrawal, anger and have made attempts before. But remember if that person still decides to kill him or herself even after you attempt to get him or her help. Then know that you tried your best.... believe me it will grieve you and you may blame yourself asking what more could you have done. But you did what you could and tried to get professional help for that person. It was their choice to reject it and continue on the path to thier death. Even though though these are extreme cases. There are still are people out there who could use a gentle friend to help them regain thier self, and come out of the dark place they find themselves in. Never give up hope. An don't be afraid to ask for HELP.


    Austin SOS is sponsored by:
    Hotline to Help

    Austin's 24-hour Crisis & Information Hotline
    Austin-Travis County Mental Health Mental Retardation
    P.O. Box 3548
    Austin, TX 78764-3548
    Administration: 512-703-1300

  • Makena1

    Xandria - wonderful post - in particular:

    An that is not what should be allowed. If you ever have someone who is reaching out .. lend a hand or ear. Just listening can be a major help. Help that person get a good counselor. Watch for signs. Some people show withdrawal, anger and have made attempts before. But remember if that person still decides to kill him or herself even after you attempt to get him or her help. Then know that you tried your best.... believe me it will grieve you and you may blame yourself asking what more could you have done. But you did what you could and tried to get professional help for that person. It was their choice to reject it and continue on the path to thier death. Even though though these are extreme cases. There are still are people out there who could use a gentle friend to help them regain thier self, and come out of the dark place they find themselves in. Never give up hope. An don't be afraid to ask for HELP.

    In our situation, we have learned and developed a level of compassion for others pain that we never had before - and have been able to help comfort a few others who have experienced this terrible tragedy.


  • NewWay

    May I extend my condolences to the family.

    Xandria, a very good post. One thing I would like to say is that people who are contemplating suicide may not be in a position mentally to latch on to hope. Their 'rejection' of efforts for help must not be taken personally. They may be incapable of grasping on to the hand that is offered, as the mind swims in a whirlpool of despair. Some folk are able to put on an appearance of normality, but inside they are overwhelmed by negative thoughts. We are not talking about simple depression. Medical help may be the only means to break a vicious circle of hopelessness. It does no good to blame the person who took his/her life, or to blame somebody else, such as ourselves if we are family.

  • Xandria

    I agree w/ you newway that is why I am going to post a list. Sometimes you may have to take action. Some people who are in such despair may not just want to go alone and pose a danger not only to themselves but to others. Sometimes.. in severe cases they are so wrapped up in that dark place that they cannot find a way to come out. That is when someone has to take the step and perhaps even place them in care/ observation .. what ever it takes. But, even then sometimes help fails and that may be the sadiest thing of all. The person may not take help from you either.. b/c of trust issues. Don't take it personal.. give them the option of an outside professional so at least he/ or she can perhaps find someone outside the Organization that can help them and they may be able to trust.

    Also see inside cover of your local phone book for local numbers Underlined listing also have links to their websites

      The National Suicide Helpline: 1-800-SUICIDE

      The National "YOUTH" Crisis Helpline: 1-800-999-9999

      CDC National Youth Violence Prevention Resource Center

      The Link: 1-404-256-9797
      The Link Counseling Center's National Resource Center for Suicide Prevention and Aftercare

      American Foundation for Suicide Prevention: 1-888-333-2377
      Suicide Prevention Research

      American Association of Suicidology: 1-202-237-2280
      "Suicide & Life Threatening Behavior" Journal and other resources
      American Association of Suicidology

      Suicide Information & Education Center: 1-403-245-3900

      SOLES - Survivors of Law Enforcement Suicides
      More law enforcement officers die each year by suicide than in the line of duty!
      email: [email protected]

      Friends for Survival - Suicide Surviors talk line: 1-916-392-0664

      NOPCAS - Nat. Org. People Color Against Suicide: 1-512-245-2113

      Yellon Ribbon Suicide Prevention Project: 1-303-429-3530
      Yellon Ribbon Suicide Prevention Project

      SA\VE- Suicide Awareness\Voices of Education: 1-612-946-7998

      SPANUSA - Suicide Prevention Advocacy Network: 1-888-649-1366

      National Depression Screening Project: 1-800-573-4433
      To locate a free, confidential screening site near you

      National Mental Health Association: 1-800-969-NMHA(6642)
      330 affilliates nationwide providing treatment referrals & services

      NDMDA - National Depressive/Manic Depressive Association: 1-800-826-3632

      NHMA - National Mental Health Assoc: 1-800-969-6642

      The National Alliance for the Mentally Ill: 1-800-950-6264
      Information and referral services

      Jason Foundation-youth education: 1-888-881-2323

      Missing and Exploited Children National Hotline: 1-800-843-5678

      Prevent Child Abuse: 1-800-244-5373

      Girls and Boys Town National Hotline and Help Line: 1-800-448-3000

      Child Abuse Prevention service: 1-800-422-4453
      Kid Safe

      Children of the Night: 1-800-551-1300
      A 24 hour a day runaway crisis hotline

      Runaway Hotline (National) 1-800-621-4000

      Trevor Helpline - GLBT youth: 1-800-850-8078

      Compassionate Friends-parent grief: 1-630-990-0010

      Friends of Battered women and their Children: 1-800-603-4357

      Al-Anon Meeting information: 1-888-425-2666
      Alcohol and Drug Helpline: 1-800-821-4357

      Provides referrals to local facilities

      Domestic Violence Hotline (National): 1-800-799-7233
      National Domestic Violence

      Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network: 1-800-656-4673

      Renfrew Center for Eating Disorders: 1-800-736-3739

      Cuting Yourself?: 1-800-366-8288

    Edited by - xandria on 30 June 2002 2:42:6

  • ISP

    Just too many happen. I know 2 that committed suicide. So sad.


  • BluesBrother

    "Many people feel they have to put on this mask and not be who they are.. "

    Xandria seems to understand.

    I was never depressive or suicidal but I do know what it is like to believe that you are a total failure as an elder and a husband, to believe that you will never get through Armageddon because everything in your life is a sham ,you think you can fool the brothers but Jehovah always knows the truth about you.

    It is a horrible guilt trip to carry. Your "Brother elders" are not who you can turn to.

    Thank God (literally) that I found the strength to extricate myself and get off the treadmill.

    My deepest sympathy to all that have lost loved ones so tragically.

  • nancee park
    nancee park

    Some of the suicides there in the state have odd things about them that beg the question of if they were murders arranged to look like suicides. I'm not saying that is the case, but it looks strange.

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