by You Know 155 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • You Know
    You Know

    Dubula, here's another link that lays out what the system is facing,

    and what I have been saying all along about the dollar at some point getting smoked.

    / You Know

    Edited by - You Know on 28 June 2002 8:27:12

  • bjc2012


    Well, that would explain why you are an apostate dub I suppose. / You Know

    Its explains why I'm the apostate dub that understands Bible prophecy.

    This "hostility", "jealousy", "harrassment", "envy" and resentment you speak of between "apostate" camps and loyal JWs will shortly cease. It too is also prophesied about In Isaiah 11th chapter. But it will soon stop. It will come to short duration, when you and so many others associated with the JW Organization find out the WTS is really "Babylon the Great" holding "Israel", rank and file JWs in spiritual "captivity" and "blindness". It will cease when you fully realize that this is the same identical situation that Jesus encountered when he inspected God's Name People. Thus, Jesus freed "Israel" from the clutches of the "great city" [Babylon] by spiritually "opening the eyes of the blind", namely Israel. (Isaiah 35:5, 10; Isaiah 61:1, 2; Luke 4:17-19; Revelation 11:8)

    Here is the prophecy.

    Isaiah 11:11-13 New American Standard Bible 11
    Then it will happen on that day that the Lord [Jehovah]
    Will again recover the second time with His hand
    The remnant of His people,
    who will remain,
    From Assyria, Egypt, Pathros, Cush, Elam, Shinar [Babylon],
    Hamath, and from the islands of the sea.
    And He will lift up a standard for the nations
    And assemble the banished ones of Israel,
    And will gather the dispersed of Judah
    From the four corners of the earth.
    Then the jealousy of Ephraim will depart,
    And those who harass Judah will be cut off;
    EPHRAIM will not be jealous of Judah,
    And JUDAH will not harass Ephraim

    The "harrassment" and ill feelings of "jealousy" will be long past, when arguing, differing camps of "Israel" come out of their "blindness" and begin to see the WTS for what it really is -- "Babylon The Great" of Bible prophecy. Those ill feelings between both "Israelite" camps will cease when they come to understand Bible prophecy. (Revelation 18:4)


    Edited by - bjc2012 on 28 June 2002 10:16:45

  • Valis

    "What you have been saying all along"...What a goof you are You Know. I'm sure those who were around in 1932 thought the same the stock market crashes, the dollar plummets, we have a recession....well we're still here and Jehovah hasn't reared his self righteous head so what the hell is your point, besides the usual drivel about the end of the world? Here's a you have a retirement plan or any investments? Do you have anything to do with saving money? Or are you simply waiting on the end to come and relieve you of financial responsibility? I await your answer, which may be telling as far as how much you really believe in the bullshit you sling around here.


    District Overbeer

  • dubla


    i find it interesting that you are actually addressing me personally once again.......i figured youd still be ignoring me as you have been since i embarrassed you on these two threads:

    and i especially find it interesting that you are addressing me personally, given that these are your true and honest feelings about me:

    I should wake up to the fact that I am dealing with a complete moron

    You are truly pathetic. The only reason I might have to be embarrassed is that I have taken so much time trying to reason with a delusional lying fool. / You Know

    You are one of the worst cases of brain-lock that I have ever come across.

    you are a a lying delusional fool.

    I have known a few pathological liars before who would believe there own lies. Apparently you are one of those.

    but be that as it may, here you are targeting me once again with your supposed "proofs" of why the economy/dollar is "doomed". its just too damn tempting to respond to me, isnt it? lol.....anyhow, on to your latest babble.........your first link was nothing more than one mans opinion of the annual benchmark revision process. you know, if the gdp gets revised downward, it wont be the first act as if this is some great revelation! lol, its old news, and standard procedure. as far as your second link goes, ive never denied that the dollar was overvalued (in fact im pretty sure i said as much at one point, but ill have to go back and check)....what i have said is that your idea of the dollar completely collapsing to worthless is absurd and ridiculous, and i stand by that. your little article about the dollars current fall doesnt prove otherwise, its risen and fallen a million times, just as the market. again, you act as if this is new news....everyone who watches the markets knows the dollar has been falling for months. let me know when its worthless....then you can say thats what you "have been saying all along". and let me add this, when the dollar starts rising again, and doesnt indeed become worthless as you imagine it will, then just "move on to the next one", lol.

    i also find it interesting that once again on this thread you have been proven either A) very foolish about your own religion, or B) a complete liar (im voting for "b"). cygnus said quite simply that for years after russell died the society still taught that he was the faithful and wise slave of matthew 24. to that you responded:

    That can't be true. The Russellites no doubt maintained that Russell was the slave both before, and after his death, but they were the ones who turned out to be apostates.

    now, given the fact that alanf has posted specific articles showing that the wt did indeed teach that russell was the wise slave, years after he died, my question(s) for you is(are): were the russellites writing/editing the wt at the time of these articles? if it "cant be true", who was the "society" in your mind, if not the writers of the wt? do you have any response whatsoever to this complete proof that your statement, "that cant be true", is undeniably false? i doubt you do, as you rarely (read: never) have a response when caught in a lie. ignore it and move on yk, but the lurkers can see through you.


    Edited by - dubla on 28 June 2002 12:17:18

  • You Know
    You Know


    I'm sure those who were around in 1932 thought the same the stock market crashes, the dollar plummets, we have a recession....

    I don't think so. You are ignorant of some basic facts. First, in 1932 the dollar was highly valued, the problem was that the greenbacks were in short supply because there was a credit contraction. But, if you had dollars then they were very valuable. Besides, the dollar was backed by gold at that time. That's the opposite of the easy money Di-tech dot com go-go days today. Now, it's in God that they trust to keep the paper promises credit worthy. Too, back in 1923 Germany's marks were hyperinflated to pay off war reparations and the riechsmark was ultimately valued less then toilet paper, which of course paved the way for the Nazis and WWII. Now, the dollar is the defacto world's currency, except people are dumping it by the billions in the last few months. That means that the whole shebang is going to collapse, and of course the Anglo-American beast will simply go berserk. I think of dollars as basically pre-confetti.

    Here's a you have a retirement plan or any investments? Do you have anything to do with saving money?

    My portfolio is heavily weighed in Kingdom treasury notes. / You Know

  • dubla


    thanks for the all the info......after reading your post, i actually remembered back to your original debate with yk on the topic, it was one of the first things i read on this forum, and i think i was only lurking at the time. as was the case then, im sure yk wont have an intelligent rebuttal to your proofs of his lies, but your work is appreciated and beneficial to the reader nonetheless.


  • Valis

    So You Know is into junk bonds...


    District Overbeer

  • dubla

    How about it Dubula youknow, aren't you even going to try and weasel out of the mess you got yourself into? LOL / You Know


  • dubla

    What's the game plan here Dubula you know, are you just going to hide out until this thread scrolls away so as to save yourself any more humiliation? / You Know


  • AlanF

    Dubla, YK has been proved a complete fool, and he knows it. He has these ridiculous notions in what passes for a brain that Watchtower leaders are rather different from what we all know them to be. It's all so Orwellian. He can't admit what's right in front of his face, or his world would collapse. I have no doubt that YK will come back and somehow figure out a way to dismiss Rutherford's rantings, even though JFR was just as much the head of the WTS as Russell ever was. In YK's little mind, the concept of "faithful slave" is apparently becoming detached from any particular human, so that even if every member of this "slave" who had to do with preparing that wonderful "meat in due season for the household of faith" proves as unchristian as Rutherford, it would make no difference to YK -- there would still be a "slave", somehow, somewhere. In other words, YK has divorced reality from his interpretation of Bible prophecy. Of course, he learned everything he knows about what he thinks is a prophecy about the coming "slave" from this imaginary "slave" itself. It's ironic that now that he admits that the present leaders of the JWs among this supposed "slave" are unfaithful and claims they're about to be punished by God for it, he can't admit that Rutherford and his henchmen were equally unfaithful, for to do so would again lead to the collapse of YK's imaginary world that he has constructed so carefully to insulate himself from reality.


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