Does anyone grow their own herbs?

by scootergirl 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • Englishman


    We grow lots of herbs. This year we have tried sorrel and rocket, it's brill with salad.


  • Celia


    I grow parsley (can't cook without parsley), chervil, tarragon (great in a green salad with vinaigrette), basil (so good in marinata sauce with shrimps), thyme, winter savory, chive, dill --- lemon balm, hyssop, borage, chamomille, pineapple-mint (all for teas) catnip and others which names escape me right now. I love just walking through the garden and smell them, it's wonderful.

    Edited by - Celia on 22 June 2002 16:19:54

  • scootergirl

    I wanted to share w/you this great summertime recipe.

    Minty Melon Salad

    1 cup of water

    3/4 cup sugar

    3 T. fresh lime juice

    1-1/2 t. fresh mint, chopped

    5 cups of watermelon, cubed

    3 cups of cantalope, cubed

    3 cups honeydew, cubed

    2 cups nectarine, sliced

    1 cup fresh blueberries

    Combine water, sugar, lime juice and mint leaves in a saucepan. Bring to a boil. Stirring constantly, boil mixture for 2 minutes. Remove from heat, cover and cool completely. In a large bowl, combine fruit. Poor cooled syrup over fruit-stir until well blended. Cover and chill at least 2 hours. Stir occasionally to blend flavors. Drain liquid before serving. Gardnish w/fresh mint springs.

  • scootergirl

    I found this information that I thought was great.

    Basil: A wonderful patio bug repellent

    Borage: Helps repel tomato worms. Bees love it-every garden needs a bunch of bees since they are nature's natural pollinators

    Chives: Chase aphids from carrots and tomatoes

    Dill: Plant near cabbage for growth and great taste, but keep it far away from carrots and tomatoes

    Garlic: Repels Japanese Beetles and Aphids. Lettuce and parsnips benefit from being planted near a friendly garlic plant

    Mint: Will send white cabbage moths flying, so plant near cabbages and tomatoes. Mint will take over a garden plot, though, if you do not keep in contained-not very neighborly

    Oregano: and beans go hand-in-hand. Bees and butterflies love oregano.

    Parsley: Plant near corn, tomatoes, and asparagus for good flavor and growth. Asparagus beetles run away from parsley.

    Rosemary: is a good friend to carrots, cabbage and beans as it drives away all kinds of dreaded beetles and bugs

    Sage: says "see ya later" to carrot flies and cabbage moths. Cucumbers and sage do not get along.

    Summer Savory: Is excellent paired w/beans in the garden.

    Thyme: Beloved by bees and butterflies. Thyme stimulates growth in a garden.

  • Windchaser

    Hi, Scooter, your recipe sounds good, with one's lacking my favorite fruit. Wonder if it would be good with a sliced banana?

  • Elsewhere

    OK... looks legit. When I saw the thread, I wasn't sure if you were talking about Herbs, or "The herb".

  • scootergirl

    Windchaser.......I am not sure. Bananas would be good in it as long as they didn't brown. But then, I am sure that is where the lime juice comes in.

    LOL, elsewhere!

  • Francois

    I am, or used to be, a past master at growing herbs - or herb - as the case may be. It's amazing what you can do with so little equipment. And this was legit herb too, for cooking, like: brownies, macroons, fudge. You know. But basil, oregano, cilantro, stuff like that. Sorry


  • terafera

    Being that I am an apartment dweller, I dont get to grow much..but I do have a nice rosemary plant growing by my couch. It is pretty big...getting bigger everyday!! I read it can get to over 5 feet. Can I just pick some off and throw it in my food? I was wondering if I have to dry it upside down or something...

    I eat alot of veggies and fruit so I cant wait until I buy my own house, I really want a garden! I spend hundreds a month on fresh produce.

  • Elsewhere


    A woman after my heart! The cube dwellers at work look at me funny because of the fresh fruit I keep at my desk.

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