Southwest Air...Marketing Blunder??

by teenyuck 78 Replies latest jw friends

  • Wendy

    Grabbing eyegirl and whispering in her ear....You were once a "bratty" kid yourself. You know kids are born not even able to feed themselves or change their diapers. It is true, a fact, they are really helpless those dang creatures. They are totally reliant on parents to do everything for them. A parents day is filled with giving the child all that they require and squeezing in time for themselves as well. A bath is a luxury to a mom, or dad. Time to put on make up or curl your hair is a miracle. Keeping kids entertained for 5 hours on an airplane? Damn near impossible. But I do insist on you calling them brats! It makes since to demand a child to do something he is not capable of. Kinda reminds me of spanking an infant for talking at the meetings. And the poor fellow is just testing his vocal cords.

    But go right ahead and talk about those damn menaces to society! I mean lets talk about how they act in resturants as well! Come on we are paying for the meals right? And only to have them interuppted by those kids who keep asking the waitresses fro more crayons. Jeeez you would think a parent could teach their kids to sit still for a few hours so everyone else can enjoy their meal eh?

    BTW, last time I took my kids to a resturant, the couple next to us, commended us on how great the kids were! We of course thought they had ruined the others meal, because they talked so much. Just goes to show how others have a different tolerance level.


    PS. Bigger people should have to pay more...enough said

  • Wendy


    You replied as I was typing I missed it. In the future ask the parent the results are not as you want, ask an attendant. I am with Lisa on this. There is no reason for it, and you will win. Damn the dirty looks, if they are 4 or 26 they should not be kicking your seat.


    LOL somehow I can see that


  • Mulan

    Rachel, I just noticed you had posted here.

    Okay, Princess' kids are adorable, charming and very busy. Having had the same, when I was young, I can relate and sympathize. Princess' youngest brother was a handful, and I know now he had ADD, but I did NOT know what to do when he was out of control. People would look at me, and even demand that I do something, but what???? I didn't know what to do.

    Back to the adorable children we are discussing. I have been on several plane trips with them, and they are amazingly good. Their red hair attracts a lot of positive attention, and they like it. Rachel always seems to find things to keep them busy, and I have to give her all the credit for their behavior not driving everyone nuts.

    From Seattle to Boston, you will have a movie. That should help. Ask Dr. B for some drugs!! It worked when we went to Disneyworld.

  • ashitaka

    Here's my thing. My saying I hate kids does not personally attack the mothers on this board.

    I hate kids. Sorry. I hated BEING a kid, and never really felt like one. Always wanted to be an adult, and now that I am, NEVER want to be a kid again.

    Like your kids, I knew how to behave. But, threatening people on an airplane if they can't behave is more trouble than it's worth.

    Don't know if any of you people are from New Jersey, but complaining about somebody's kids does not get a favorable response here. In fact, you had better watch you if you do something as simple as make eye contact with someone on the highway.

    I grew up in Trenton....go ahead....go tell the mothers on my street in Trenton that their kids are annoying you...go right ahead...LOLOLOL

    sorry, my comments are from experience only...hopefully I can have kids as nice as yours to interact with someday


  • Princess

    ***Lets ashi out of his cage after a five minute time out for saying he didn't like kids.***

    I know you weren't talking about my perfect babies Ash. Just had to give you a time out for not standing up and yelling at the parents. No excuse for people letting their kids misbehave like that.

    Wendy, that totally cracked me up. I knew you'd understand. I don't get people who eat in family restaurants and then freak out because I bring my kids. If they have crayons, expect noise.

    Now that I'm done lecturing, I have to say that if you can't fit in the seat, buy two. I don't want other people touching me or my kids. Gross. I need my space or I will lose it by the time we land.


  • Wendy

    LOL@ Ashi,

    Yes I KNOW what you are talking about. Sorry I forgot your geographic location. haha


    I can't wait to meet your bratty kids They will laugh and play with my bratty kids and make alot of noise. Maybe we should yell at them for all the fun they have together eh? lol Good luck on your trip hon, you will need it!


  • ashitaka

    I thought you'd understand, Wendy...LOLOL

    later guys, have a good one.

    and If I ever did meet your kids, I'd give them all a big hugs and kisses....I hate kids in general..but certainly not you people's kids....


  • Mulan

    I thought of you, Princess, when I was stuck next to that smelly man all the way home from Nashville. I wonder if you would have put up with it. Your Dad just grinned when I told him the guy smelled bad.

    We have made two trips to Florida this year, so far, and both times they went through my purse like it had explosives in it. And it's not a big purse either. I wore sandals so they wouldn't make me take off my shoes, but WRONG............they did that too. On the way home, they completely went over my husband. That was fair, after all. We are kind of ordinary white people. No racial profiling going on here.

    In London in 1989, I got a full body search, from a policewoman with gloves on. I had to almost completely undress and got a full frisk..........embarrassing, but it was in a private room. I wonder why I look suspicious?

  • BeautifulGarbage

    Hello all,

    My best girlfriend is childless by choice. She's great lady and my kids adore her. However, one time she related this story to me about how she was shopping in a fancy department store and some kid was screaming his head off. She wasn't sure why, but he was certainly pissed about something. Anyway, my friend was annoyed because "she had to listen to THAT" the whole time she was shopping. She went on about parents controlling their kids, etc. She then asked me what *I* thought about it. I responded that "If it's not my kid, I don't hear it and I don't care". Since I have had kids of my own, I have the ability to tune out the bawling of other kids.

    One time I took my then 4 year old daughter to Mcdonalds. It was one with a Playland. After getting our food, we went to find a table at the playground. The place was crawling with kids and the noise was deafening. After she was finished, my daughter runs off to play. I paused and looked around at the parents sitting at the various tables. Even with all the noise, all the adults were quietly eating their food. One was even reading a book. Being able to eat uninterrupted was worth the possible damaging their eardrums.

    Next thought. People that don't like kids, or don't want kids, ought not have kids.

    Both my kids have struggled with hyper-activity. Especially my 5 year old son. This is the first year we are actually "risking" a family vacation. Not doing any flying however. He loves to ride in the car, so no concerns there. He is also very active in public places and I'm sure he has probably annoyed a few people. His saving grace is that he is very outgoing and engaging with people. He's a charmer and hard to resist. Yes! I would stop him from kicking someones seat. However, I think that every parent learns REAL FAST that "controlling" their children is much easier said than done. They do have minds of their own and sometimes they just don't want to cooperate. It can take a creative mind to keep them in line. I won't even get started with those pesky infants!


    The one thing I have found about people that are so darn critical of other peoples kids, is that when they have a few of their OWN, they eat crow BIG TIME. The more critical, the more crow. Just something to think about

    Naeblis wrote:

    I've always had a way with children for some reason. They don't annoy me and generally I find their company more enjoyable than most peoples :P Whenever they get a bit too roudy I threaten to eat them, or tie them up, or bury them in the backyard. Strangely enough they don't believe me *sigh* :D

    LOL! My kids would LOVE you!


  • Simon

    The first time we took our kids on a flight to Canada we were terrified how they would behave. It was hard enough keeping them sat still to have their meal.

    On the plane though they were fantastic - good as gold for the whole 8+ hour flight.

    The one time either of them made any noise was when Dylan (a baby at the time) woke up with a start because of some very bad air turbulance and cried for a minute or two.

    Immediately the woman behind was saying "Oh, for Christs' sake ... Stewardess ... STEWARDESS"

    She asked if we could be moved (!) but she very firmly told her to not be so rediculous - our kids were being remarkably well behaved and she didn't often see kids so good.

    One of those "Wo-hoo" moments as a parent when I wanted to jump up and shout "Did you hear that everyone?!", lol

    We have been behind kids that are an absolute nightmare who's parents made no attempt to control them and that is annoying.

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