Southwest Air...Marketing Blunder??

by teenyuck 78 Replies latest jw friends

  • eyegirl

    hey, i didn't make it up. my friend lives in NH and that's honestly what they call people from boston and massachusetts. i was fine here first. i made one sarcastic comment and this turned into an attack on me. i really do like children, but if you're going to have them, then you must choose to be responsible for them. you SHOULD be aware of what they are doing--ESPECIALLY when you are traveling in a cramped and crowded area like a plane. with all the extra security people already have short fuses. i choose not to have children at this point in my life and there's a reason for that. i shouldn't have to deal with someone else's bratty kids because they can't!

  • LDH

    Having been a single parent for 6 years before I met hubby, I did MORE than my share of flying with my daughter. As a matter of fact, we lived in Puerto Rico for a couple of years and we racked up some MAJOR frequent flyer miles...LOL.

    Point being, my daughter was TOTALLY used to flying. She NEVER misbehaved. She has been flying since she was 6 months old.

    Therefore, I expected her behavior to be totally different from a child who was flying for the first time at the age of five.

    People in this country are amazing, how quickly they get offended by the fact that


    Of course, some of you may also be the "spank your kids if they don't sit still for two hours at the hall" type too.

    So perhaps one day, Eye and Joanna, when you have two children, and you are trying to coordinate packing, getting to the airport, feeding hungry children, getting them through checkpoints, settling them on the airplane, you will think back to this thread.


  • ashitaka

    As for the a second ticket. Good for Southwest. Actually thinking about the little guy for once....:):):)

    as for kids......I hate them all. Sorry, but I do. Nothing against your kids in particular, but some are just shites. ALL the F-ing way back from England a kid was kicking my seat, humming tunelessly, and whining every 5 f-ing minutes. Already being nervous on a plane, I was about to lose it.

    Also, telling the parents does nothing but piss off the parents...saw that happen several times. Don't want the father or mother to stab me to death with a plastic spoon, so I suffer in silence. They have ears and eyes, these parents...if they can't see their kids are kicking a seat continuously, or humming incessantly, or doing something else annoying for a length of time, then they need a sensory check.

    If the kid cannot be kept busy, then strap them to the outside of the fuselage. My parents took road trips when we were kids because they had concern for people, and knew what awful brats we were. They also didn't take us to dinner....another good idea.

    We were brats that couldn't be controlled, and they did the right thing.

    What did George Carlin say?

    "kids are just like any other group of people, a few winners and A WHOLE LOT OF LOSERS!"

    if this post offends anyone, just ignore's just a stupid opinion


  • Princess

    Lisa, you said it well. I always keep an eye on my kids and make sure they aren't annoying other people. My kids are good on planes too. It is hard though. They are usually tired and hungry and excited to get where we are going. They are four and five and wiggly. Normal.

    Eyegirl, I don't give a sh*t what NH people call Mass people. I live in Seattle and have all my life. Resorting to calling me names was totally childish. Maybe we should put you in a cage.


  • Mulan

    Last month on our way home from Florida, on Southwest Airlines, my husband talked me out of the window seat. Just before takeoff on our connecting flight in Nashville, a large man got on and sat next to me on the aisle. He bragged that he hadn't slept since Thursday (It was Sunday now). He tried to talk to me for about two hours, and I was engrossed in my book, so ignored him. His broad shoulders and my husband's had me squished, but he was smelly to boot, and very irritating. It was miserable. Finally he put his cowboy hat over his face and slept all the way to Seattle, after muttering something about my being a "tight-assed bitch".

    This is a sensitive issue for me, but I think if people want to be big, overweight, or just built up, and they have to travel, they had better be prepared to pay for more room. I agree with Andi, that it isn't fair to be squished out of part of your seat, to accomodate a huge body. They don't have to go on Southwest which doesn't have the larger seats.

  • Princess

    God, all you people whining about kids. I just might make them kick a few seats from Seattle to Boston. Telling me my kid is doing something will not piss me off. Don't be such a coward. I do not have to suffer through a road trip just because your parents did. I can afford to buy a full fare ticket for each kid and I will.

    Ashi is now in the cage next to eyegirl.

  • Princess

    Aww mom, he liked you. Said you had a "tight ass", that's a compliment. Bitch is just a red neck reference to a woman.

    Now, stick up for me and my babies.


  • Naeblis

    I've always had a way with children for some reason. They don't annoy me and generally I find their company more enjoyable than most peoples :P Whenever they get a bit too roudy I threaten to eat them, or tie them up, or bury them in the backyard. Strangely enough they don't believe me *sigh* :D

    Edited by - Naeblis on 20 June 2002 0:40:14

  • ashitaka


    Reread the post. You said you pay attention to your kids, so good for you. This is what parents are supposed to do. Many don't.

    A man mentioned to a woman that her son was kicking his seat on a flight I was on. He said it pretty nice for how long it had been going on. The mother just gave a nasty stare back. Bitch.

    Some kids are assholes. Accept it. Yours may be nice. The post was directed towards parents who DONT pay attention to their kids. You said you did, so my post had nothing to do with you princess.


  • LDH

    S'ok Rachel. I will.

    You bunch of weak ass crackers! (LOL!) They haven't invented a kid yet that can get away with kicking my chair more than 3 times. You kick my chair, I will ask your mommy or daddy to control your legs. You do it again, I will ask that *YOU* be moved, not me. If there is nowhere on the plane to move to, I let the flight attendant know I will be filing a complaint because they are unable to control the environment on board. That is their job. I have received SEVERAL vouchers for credit towards future travel.

    Grow some goddamned hair on yer chest, ya bunch o'whiners!


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