Southwest Air...Marketing Blunder??

by teenyuck 78 Replies latest jw friends

  • BeautifulGarbage


    I apologize. I was trying to be cute. My intention was not to trivialize your experience. It must be very frustrating to you. I'm not naive. There has to be racial profiling. Probably because of your darks looks, and your age, they searched you.

    Yes, I was searched. My bag was searched and things were taken out. The lady got to feel me up too. I didn't have to take off my shoes because I wore sandals. They did allow the other passengers to board. They all streamed past me while I was being searched. Very embarrassing. I tried to make light of it to cover it. But I felt the eyes on me when I got on the plane.

    Sorry for your experience.


  • SixofNine

    generally speaking, you'll find that everyone on overreacts.

  • Reborn2002


    No I do not think you were trivializing my experience at all. (((hug)))

    That is the whole purpose of this forum. To educate, to relate experiences, and to debate ideas so as to grow. I hope everyone realizes that. Well maybe except for YouKnow and FredHall, I dont think they realize much of anything.

    I know it was because of my dark looks and age that they searched me. As soon as I showed my Driver's License to the guard at the security checkpoint and he noticed my year of birth, he gestured:

    Please step this way for a random check.

    When all the other people in line for a RANDOM check were male minorities.

    Now I would not have had a problem with this if the RANDOM check was actually RANDOM and diverse, instead of utilizing age discrimination and racial profiling.

    I KNOW it was not RANDOM, because I have FLOWN over 5 TIMES since September 11th, and EACH time I have been SELECTED for a RANDOM check.

    Sorry, this topic just touched a nerve with me, and I was venting my justified frustration.

  • Cassiline

    I have to agree with Reborn.

    People of ethnic minority are targeted IMO. I see it at our security gates continually. These may not be Airport security gates but nonetheless they are very important security gates.

    If Reborn were to grow a full beard IMO he would probably have more difficulty. How many times of late have white police officers admitted to racial profiling in the last months/years. Plenty of times.

    I am white and sometimes I just want to scream racism. I wish that the barriers that have been created over the years and after 9-11 were not as extreme as they are now.

    Do I believe that screening should take place? Yes, but people of all color and race should be screened the same. Don't you think that terrorists are aware of what happens at security gates? Do you think they have non-minority comrades? Of course they do. Do you believe there are terrorists cells of a non-minority nature only? I do. When one is admitted because a person of minority is being screened instead of an actual terrorist and he walks right on that plane or secure site and blows the place to hell. Then new measures will be put in place. Most likely it will be forgotten after time and the same ethnic minority's will take the heat so to speak.

  • eyegirl

    you said it Six!!

    what was obviously meant as a sarcastic remark was taken seriously by some. the point of the comment was that i get irritated when i travel and people DO NOT take responsibility for their children. growing up, we NEVER would have acted that way in public--witnesses or not.

    andee, i think you're being a bit harsh by bringing up my 'embarrassing' story. it has nothing to do with this thread. i'm young, and yes i do, have, and will make mistakes. i never dated anyone with a child before and assumed that the father of the boy would have the better judgement. apparently i was wrong. i'm sure you've made your share of mistakes too, so don't be so quick to cast the first stone.

  • larc


  • Princess

    I didn't like eyegirls suggestion to put children in cages either. They are not animals they are little people who don't like being cooped up on an airplane. Sorry a kid kicked your seat. Stand up and do something about it. Turning around and looking does not alert the parents that the child is kicking. We don't always notice every single annoying thing they do. Tell the parents, if they don't do anything, tell a flight attendant. Don't insult every parent on the board because you can't use your voice.

    Joanna, same goes for you. I hope some day you have kids and you re-read what you posted here. Totally insulting.

    I can totally overreact any time I want when it has to do with my kids. It is the hardest job there is to raise them and to be insulted by some kid who hasn't had any yet just pisses me off.

    Jim, my husband's sister lives in Ashland. I'm going to visit a friend in New Hampshire before heading back to Mass. Where are you?


  • LDH

    Not to change the subject, but when I'm in a store like Costco or Sam's club, where they check EVERYONE'S receipt at the door, I have no problem.

    I've got a BIG problem when I'm out with hubby and for some strange reason if we've purchased a big-ticket item like a CD at Wal-mart, they somehow "mistakenly forget" to deactivate the device that sets off the theft alarm.

    That way, when the alarm goes off as you're leaving the store, they have a good 'reason' to ask you to come back in the store and search you.

    It doesn't bother my husband anymore, he says he's used to it.... You better believe I pitch a bitch. I look them in their face and say, "If you believe I've stolen something you need to summon the police immediately and place me under arrest." And then I keep on walking. To date, no one has had the nuts to send Store (IN)Security after me.

    Three weeks ago I was in Walmart and I was leaving via the Garden Center entrance...(I love plants). The "Store Greeter" was an elderly white man. I *watched* him ask for receipts from a Mexican and a black. But when another elderly white man exited, he said, "Have a good day." As I walked out, I told him,"You are a discrimination lawsuit waiting to happen."


  • eyegirl

    oh cripes, you're a masshole (you should know that's what the NH people call you). that explains it.

  • Princess

    Eyegirl, if you just took the time to read you would have noticed I mentioned on the first page that I am flying WITH MY KIDS from Seattle to Boston in a few weeks. Before that last comment I was going to let it go thinking you were just trying to be funny or something. Now I just don't like you.


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