why i do believe in 607

by perspicacia2 68 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • NewYork44M

    This topic started with an explaination of why to believe in 607BCE. However, I think we need our topic author to address a far
    more critical point....

    607 was not the first date to be used. But rather, it was 606 BCE. It was not until the 50s or 60s that someone in the society realized that there was no Zero year.

    Please use the same logic to explain what logic Russell used to determine the date 606 BCE without knowing that there was no Zero year. Also, explain the logic in changing the date fro 606 to 607. If you read the older publications you will never see an explaination. The date was simply changed.

  • hawkaw
    Another cut 'n paste gunslinger comes to town....

    That's a killer - I'm still laughing. Sounds like the "matrix"/"yo yo mummy"/etc found a new way in the back door.

    Lets see now there are no dates in the bible so the WTS has to use some "scientist" to give them a "start" date. Then the other information found by scentists that shows the 607 date is completely wrong ..... never mind the fact that Russell said 606 and not 607 is just sluffed off. Unbelievable.


    p.s. I believe it was 1942-44 when the 606/607 change happened. Here read Alan's outstanding essay at http://www.geocities.com/osarsif/607b.htm

  • AlanF

    The Bible itself provides absolute proof that Watchtower chronology is wrong. 2 Chronicles 36:20 states about Nebuchadnezzar (NIV):

    "He carried into exile to Babylon the remnant, who escaped from the sword, and they became servants to him and his sons until the kingdom of Persia came to power."

    If the Jews remained servants to Babylon until "the kingdom of Persia came to power" in 539 B.C., then obviously they were not servants to Babylon after 539. Thus, Jeremiah's prophecy in Jer. 25:11, 12 and 29:10 cannot apply to any period ending after 539 B.C. Therefore the Watchtower's claim that the 70 years mentioned in these latter passages applies from 607 to 537 B.C. is wrong, and Watchtower chronology collapses.

    The Watchtower Society has never dealt with this huge problem for it in 2 Chronicles 36:20, nor has it ever given a plausible explanation for the fact that Jer. 25:12 also kills its chronology. It is clear from this avoidance that they know very well that their ideas are biblically wrong, but as in all Christian cults, what cult leaders claim takes precedence over the Bible.



    Their major "new light" always gets revealed like this: "Over the years, some zealous brothers have speculated about the date 607 B.C.E. as being the start of the Gentile Times, some even go so far as saying that the 2,520 year period from 607 B.C.E. terminated in 1914 C.E. as a fulfillment of Daniel's prophecy in Daniel chapter 4. However, we bring a 'heart of wisdom' into the matter and through careful study of the scriptures have discovered that....blah, blah, blah, bullshit, bullshit, bulshit, blah, blah, blah, more bullshit.....even more bullshit, blah, blah, blah."

    In future, I would kindly request you situate a health advisory in advance of such "reenactments." The spontaneous burst of laughter with which I was seized nearly sucked the baby carrot I was munching into my windpipe.

    Just a suggestion.


  • Fredhall


    You never dealt with the Bible. Regarding the Persians, it all depends on how long did Persians to come into power.

  • NewYork44M

    hawkaw, you may be right on the date of the "new light" on the zero year. I believe it was the "Let God be True" book. But the first mention of 607 is just inserted in the publication without any explaination of how the Wt scholars determined that there was a justification for the chage.

  • hawkaw

    NY44M - Read Alan's otustanding article below on the 606 to 607 change.


  • Fredhall



    Is not a good teacher.

  • AlanF

    Ah, Fridolin sweetie! You finally managed a semi-coherent reply. Therefore I will reply.

    : Regarding the Persians, it all depends on how long did Persians to come into power.

    You tell me, Fridolin: just "how long did Persians to come into power"?

    To NewYork44M:

    The "zero year" problem was first dealt with in the 1943 book The Truth Shall Make You Free, page 239. In this book, the 606 date for the beginning of the Gentile times was moved back to 607, using a completely ridiculous explanation. Unfortunately they forgot to move back the destruction of Jerusalem to 607, so between summer 1943 and summer 1944 or so, they taught that the Gentile times began ten months before Jerusalem was destroyed. This stupid error was fixed in the 1944 book The Kingdom Is At Hand, around pages 171 onward. In a footnote, they claimed that Jerusalem's destruction was moved back in the 1943 book, but that is a flat out lie. They simply changed the date in the chronological chart in the 1944 book. On page 105 of the Revelation Climax book you can find a rather misleading comment about the 1943 change, but no mention of the 1944 change.

    In succeeding years, further minor explanations were set forth in WTS publications. The most extensive were in 1952 and 1955 Watchtower articles. You can find my fairly complete writeups on this in three articles dealing with "606 to 607" here: http://www.geocities.com/osarsif/index2.htm .


  • hawkaw

    Thank you for hijacking the thread, Fred. Now please leave me alone.

    I do not need extremely mentally sick people, like yourself, who support the release of child rapists, the disfellowshiping of child rape victims and the needless death of innocent little children to post to me.



    Edited by - hawkaw on 18 June 2002 16:4:30

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