How many of you think.......

by punkofnice 42 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • fulano

    @ Millie,..could you specify your question please?

  • fulano
    I am glad you see that talesin. The same is with travelling overseers. In Europe they are not that put on a platform at all. In fact, when we came in Brooklyn as missionaries for an assignment I was amazed and embarresd how we were treated....Ridiculous ! They gave as money in every congregation, just for telling experiences on a platform. It just did not feel good.
  • Finkelstein

    Opportunists in a state of self glorification.

    There is no question the GB know where they are at and what privileged status and position they hold.

    They have the most power and say in the organization , they have their hands on the most money the organization has, travel around the world and get treated as a celebrity wherever they go, have all their medical and dental needs looked after and a solid retirement lifestyle until they die. Sounds like a pretty good gig, mind you its their responsibility to keep the organization fluent and continuous or extinctively they know it could all perish away.

  • millie210

    Yes. I was wondering why, in your opinion, it is that the U.S. seems to do this glorification things more so than other countries.

    (thank you also for your post talesin as what you stated does seem to be the case.)

  • Magnum

    Fulano, I realize that in their everyday lives they might not receive a lot of glory. For example, when I was in pioneer school, we were covering a section on showing interest to elderly ones in our congregations. The instructor used the example of Fred Franz (who was alive at that time). He said that Franz was highly looked up to and he received a lot of attention outside his congregation, but that in his own congregation he was often ignored and he received little attention. I guess that's because those in his congregation just got used to him. They saw him up close and realized that he didn't have superpowers.

    However, Franz was virtually worshiped by many outside his congregation. Many JWs adore GB members and view them as superhuman. I feel that they do receive glory. You saw their everyday lives, and as I've already said, maybe they weren't glorious. But how many GB members do you think would like to give up their positions to more qualified individuals who might come along? I say none. Many JW males seek assignments, glory, privilege in the org; it's no different with the GB. I don't know how it is in Europe and other parts of the world, but in the U.S., GB members are almost worshiped by many JWs.

    You make it seem as though these guys are just toughing it out working hard jobs when they are dying to retire. I do not believe that. As I said in my previous post, I don't think they want to retire and would be depressed if they had to. I'm dying to retire because I have a hard job. I get dirty and sweaty. I'm often on my knees or my back or my side on concrete in the hot sun, the freezing cold, or the rain. I come home filthy and exhausted. And I get zero glory; I get the opposite of it.

    I believe these guys love their positions. What would Lett be if he weren't on the GB? These guys work in air-conditioned offices with nice clothes on. They have all their needs taken care of. They are given the rock star treatment by many.

    I am just not getting it, that obsession with € or$ and the GB on this board.

    I think you're missing the point. I think the point is that a lot of us don't get the obsession that JWs have with the GB, and that's why we discuss the GB so often. We're not obsessed with them; many JWs are.

    I do acknowledge that the above are just my feelings now and that my feelings might change and that I might be wrong.

  • Finkelstein

    US glorifies freedom, particularity freedom of religion., its done with unreserved boldness.

  • problemaddict 2
    problemaddict 2

    I guess I am in the minority here. I think they are true believers. Deluded, but generally sincere. With everything they do through the lenses they and we were all raised in, they can justify almost anything.....and do.

    While I'm sure the attention doesn't hurt, I wouldn't trade places with them. Its not like they can just pull our a few hundo grand when they feel like it and go to vegas.

  • talesin

    Magnum, this is quite recent. Up until the past 2 or 3 years, the only GB members' names that I knew were of course the Franz Brothers, and Nathan Knorr (who was the King when I was a child).

    Now, there are constant threads - pinkie rings, really? Why make these men famous? That means they are winning, because they are the centre of our thoughts.............. that is how insidious this type of thinking can be.

    Every hour that is spent obsessing on some middle-aged guy's pinkie ring, is an hour that is lost forEVER. I'd rather be watching clouds ......... : )

  • punkofnice

    I am in the UK and I knew who the GB were when I was in the cult. But then I was an uber-dub...this led to my total disillusionment with the cult. I was zealous and those aroun that were lazy sods got all the praise. I began to feel that Jehovah was either a twat or non existant. I was right on both counts.

    Today, I know who the Grovelling body are and they owe us all more than an apology!!

  • fulano
    @talesin, Some very sharp comments, it says it all, chapeau!!

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