Moving to the official JW site.

by Bleep 42 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • CoolBreeze

    Zealots are the enemy of mankind. Bleep, don't go away mad, don't go away sad, just go a way. There are enough like you ruining the the world. The Governing Body are the western world's answer to the Taliban, and I wouldn't be surprised if they decided to stop waiting on Jehovah, and do something which would percipitate the big A.

    After all, they put themselves on the same level as God and Jesus by claiming that they are the embodiment of the Holy Spirit. So Bleep, if you follow them, I hope you enjoy the Koolaid (Jim Jones reference), and an eternity spent basking in the brimstone fired heat of an all to real hell.


  • Bleep

    Would of been nice to see how it conflicts. The Bible is a huge book and can be missunderstood but can be very easy if takin in stride and digested.

  • SpiceItUp

    I caught myself laughing all the way through this thread...very funnnie indeed...

    I have to agree with SYN-----

    you are definately a closet apostate..I think you should stick around.

    After all dont you want meaningful debate with people that actually think for themselves (inst that why you are here in the first place)....whereas if you go to the official JW site..all you will get is the same dribble that you can get by going to the meetings....

    BTW--- the reason some use the bold and larger lettering is so that others can actually read what they post....there are some posts that I have to squint to see because they are soo tiny. Please dont let the fonts drive you away.


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