Moving to the official JW site.

by Bleep 42 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • BugParadise
    3 things in one just will not go.

    Why not .. they work everywhere else..

    What is TIME? The word itself is SINGULAR, yet it exists as THREE things: Past Present and Future. TIME is 1x1x1 = ONE.
    The past the present and the future are not three things which time does, but three things which TIME is.

    What is SPACE? The word itself is SINGULAR, yet it too exists as THREE things: Heigth Breadth and Depth. SPACE is 1x1x1 = ONE

    What is MATTER? The word itself is SINGULAR, yet it too exists as THREE things: It is Weight Volume and Density. MATTER is 1x1x1 = ONE
    NOTE: Some scientist say "4" properities, yet we can eliminate "mass" itself b/c that is to measure the amount of matter/substance.



    AND TO ECHO THE ABOVE POST....(posted this reply before reading the second page
    great minds think alike...LOL)
    bleep said... 
    Most of the Bible is made up of simple illustrations that
    can still be used in our day. Trying to understand the
    trinity would not lead to understanding.
    3 things in one just will not go.
    You are soooooo wrong. You dont have to look to the bible for proof either.
    God made the world around us mimic the trinity in so many ways. 
    Think about it...time---past, present, future----all THREE are time.
    Matter----solid, liquid, gas----all THREE are matter. 
    (example:water, ice,steam----yet all H20)
    Again....simple science proves the bible. ; the trinity (or 3 in one) 
    does not only is a rule of phycics!!
    How nice of god to give us these perfect examples of his nature in the 
    world around us, so that we may understand him better.

    Edited by - FRUSR8TD on 15 June 2002 4:18:26

    Edited by - FRUSR8TD on 15 June 2002 4:20:48

  • jwsons

    There are some places that you can come and go. But there is one place you can come and go out with hurts: WacoTower and Dark Society.

  • COMF
    True everyone is welcome but I fail to get the knowledge that everyone should have about God's Creation and many other fine topics.

    Um... yeah, man, I quit going to Wal-Mart for the same reason.

  • bonovox

    The only thing that strikes me when I read your posts bleep is that you most probably are high when you write them. Not trying to offend, but they usually are cryptically meandering which makes it difficult to understand exactly just what it is you are trying to say.

    That doesn't mean I think you should leave, tho.

  • willy_think

    Moving to the official JW site are you?
    Well, just click the link from JWD and feel the love!!!!

  • Bleep

    Now we are getting somewhere. I have seven or eight that are reading the above heading of this site (All are welcome). And I have some people who want to challenge God and choose not to answer my first post. If you want a challenge on one of my topics make a new topic.

  • Nowhere

    I will be going to the real Jehovahs Witnesses site.

    Just by stating that, you prove yourself to be a fake.

  • Nowhere


    What is MATTER? The word itself is SINGULAR, yet it too exists as THREE things: It is Weight Volume and Density. MATTER is 1x1x1 = ONE

    That is the most stupid thing i have ever heard. If you don't believe me, then what are the weight, volume and denity of a nutrino? What is the weight, volume and density of light?

    Matter----solid, liquid, gas----all THREE are matter. 
    (example:water, ice,steam----yet all H20)
    (take a look at the Nobel prize in physics this year, then you will have 4=1)
    Again....simple science proves the bible. ; the trinity (or 3 in one) 
    does not only is a rule of phycics!!
    No it is certainly not! You  obviously don't know what the hell you are talking about.
     First of all, your examples are dead wrong. 
    Second, there is no rule in physics that states that the trinity of God is true or not.
    Third, if you looked again at the "rules" of physics it will tell you that time and space and graviton  have no separate existence from matter. 

    And using your arguing tactics, you can also prove that a can of beer is the same as a tree and a a cube of ice.

    can of beer = a tree = a cube of ice = 1


    God = Jesus = Holy spirit = 1

    Do you see what's wrong in your arguing?

  • Jewel

    >>>This is really not the site I was looking for.<<<

    Actually, I suspect it probably is...You just aren't ready quite yet for what you found here.

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