Moving to the official JW site.

by Bleep 42 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Jewel


    What is MATTER? The word itself is SINGULAR, yet it too exists as THREE things: It is Weight Volume and Density. MATTER is 1x1x1 = ONE

    That is the most stupid thing i have ever heard. If you don't believe me, then what are the weight, volume and denity of a nutrino? What is the weight, volume and density of light? <<<

    Actually, matter does have weight, volume and density. Light however does not because it is not matter-it's energy.

  • Bleep

    Oh no no. I said I WILL be going. So does that mean in the future???

    Also right after the first post it says and i quote myself here "IF no one needs a Borg view then i will not be needed at this site."

    Give me a break haha.

  • Nowhere


    Light however does not because it is not matter-it's energy.

    It's energy? And what is matter if not energy? Howcome light is affected by gravitation if it's not matter?

  • Bleep

    Q.Who wrote the rule on physics and what do they have to do with religion views?

    A.Jehovah made these rules so why would he have his son tell him what to do. Why would he talk to himself in the Bible? And why would Jehovah have to come down on earth since he rules the heavens. He would not have been able to be like superman and fly back to heaven in case something went wrong up there. At least good spirits will not get rid of a body like that.


    And using your arguing tactics, you can also prove that a can of beer is the same as a tree and a a cube of ice.

    can of beer = a tree = a cube of ice = 1

    Hmmm....I think you may need to spend some time in a science class...

    if you take any form of matter down to the very basic building blocks you would see that indeed...a can of beer DOES = a tree AND= a cube of ice! What makes the diffrence is the effect that diffrent types of energy have on these forms of matter. By the way...gravity is a form of energy...hence the reason it effects light...another energy.


    God = Jesus = Holy spirit = 1

    Do you see what's wrong in your arguing?

    no...actually you made my point quite well....thank you
  • Nowhere

    Hmmm....I think you may need to spend some time in a science class...

    I don't have to, not when you are here and answering my questions. By the way, I am in sciense class, studying physics.

    if you take any form of matter down to the very basic building blocks you would see that indeed

    Yes, but that that do not proves that God is triune does it? That's my point.

    By the way...gravity is a form of energy...hence the reason it effects light...another energy.

    First, we don't know much about gravity, our best model yet, the theory of relativity states that there is no such thing as gravitation.

    And can you kindly expain to me why light has a topspeed of 300k km/s?

  • 2SYN
    IF no one needs a Borg view then i will not be needed at this site.

    I see a closet Apostate in the making here

    You'll come to your senses soon enough, my son.

  • WinstonWigglesworth

    I've been to an officail JW site and the only topics discused are how Jehovah is great, loving, forgiving and any other positive thing you could think of. Nothing every makes you think or research the bible. Everyone has the same oppinion. ANd Bleep you said

    3 Things in one will just not go.

    A man explained the trinity this way (not using any science talk) My mother calls me Son, my wife calls me Husband, and my son calls me Dad. Isn't that just 3 different kinds of relationship with only 1 person. If a man can do it, don't you think it would be pretty damn easy for God to do?

  • Nowhere


    "My mother calls me Son, my wife calls me Husband, and my son calls me Dad"

    That is the best explanation of the trinity I've heard. But one thing, it doesn't solve: If Jesus died,

    who gave him life again? Or did he fake his death? Because if the Son or Husband or Dad dies,

    all three of them will be quite dead?

  • WinstonWigglesworth


    I guess that's where we all get confused. I don't think there is any real fool proof way to explain the trinity, maybe that's why there's such a debate. I don't know how Jesus resurrected Himself.....I guess it's just one of the many mysteries of God.


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