How many guys here wash the dishes?

by ashitaka 61 Replies latest jw friends

  • Angharad

    SIMON : Please take note of these fine examples

  • zev

    lol at Angharad

    SIMON : Please take note of these fine examples

    tee hee. to funny.

    was that a subtle hint or what?

    Edited by - zev on 14 June 2002 15:53:11

  • ashitaka

    My wife always wants to cook and leave the mess......she's a pro at that.

    But can she cook.....and can I clean......(although I do make a mean meat sauce)


  • raven101

    My husband cooks, I do the dishes. We alternate on the laundry, he picks up around the house, I do the dusting and mopping.

    Even when I do cook tho I do the dishes, not because he won't just cause he doesn't do em to my specs. . . his hands are too big to get in the glasses and he rinses with COLD water.

    Frankly, unless I didn't work outside the house (or attend school full time) I would never do the work all by myself. Thats pretty shitty if you ask me. Call it slavery.


  • hawkaw

    Both my wife and I work and we try to share everything including dishes and cooking.

    She is a better cook so I let her do the "deed" for special meals and treats.

    I do laundry too!!!

    I have been told my vacuuming skills "suck". So she does the vacuuming and dusting while I clean the bathrooms & kitchens ..... hmmm.

    I can't believe I told you guys this ..... ah, I'm over 40 now so what the hell.


  • zev


    just ask me.

    just blame it on the machine.....

    say something like:

    "this thing emulates a hoover" meaning, "it sucks"

    Edited by - zev on 14 June 2002 15:55:18

  • hawkaw


    ahhhh.... my good friend.

    Good to see you back.

    I have to update my essay for you. I will do that next week.

    Say hi to your buddy for my.


  • Bendrr

    I'm single and live alone, so I do all of it myself.

    I do have a dishwasher, but just as often if not more I wash dishes in the sink. I don't mind housework, I like a clean home.

    I also enjoy cooking. Real food. Nothing microwaved, I don't even own one of those infernal things.


  • bluesapphire

    Well, I have to admit my husband does hardly anything inside the house. But he's a workaholic and always has projects going outside. We have a deal where I do my laundry and the girls'. He does his own and everybody folds their own.

    We eat out every other night and on nights when we're home everybody picks up after themselves.

    But the major housework like cleaning bathrooms and dusting/vacuming is done by me and the girls. But I wouldn't want to be outside painting my house or drywalling my garage either so oh well.

  • jack2

    Ashi..while hanging the wash (no kidding, lol) I remembered that I forgot to post on this thread.

    We kid around here that, since we have never had a dishwasher, that I am the dishwasher. I also vaccuum, clean the bathroom, mop floors, cook some meals, and run the wash and hang it.

    I do this stuff because I like a clean house, and if that's the case, then I have always felt that I should do a good share of the cleaning. It would not be right to expect my wife to do all that is needed to keep a house clean. Just one thing...I'm not a clean "freak" or anything. I just enjoy a clean home. I keep my car clean too. My mind, on the other hand is cluttered with garbage, LOL. ;)

    As anyone knows, dirt is relentless. Dust is ever-present; clothes are always being thrown in the hamper; dirt is always being deposited on carpets. I feel sad for any woman who does not get help at home, because when they say her work is never done, it is so true.

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