How many guys here wash the dishes?

by ashitaka 61 Replies latest jw friends

  • ashitaka

    Or do other chores? Any here archaic and expect the woman to do all of the work? My mother taught me that women don't need our help, but we should give it anyway, to show our love. (My wife is endebted to me mom for eternity for that).



  • Pierced Angel
    Pierced Angel

    My hubby does dishes about 2-3 times a week. He also cleans the bathroom for me since he makes most of the mess, lol. I don't remember him changing even one diaper back when the kids were little though, so I figure it's the least he can do. He's pretty helpful ever since he started realizing that the less time I have the less fun he'll have, so he is pretty fast at household chores when he's horny, LOL.

  • Valis

    I cook and put food away....does that count?


    District Overbeer

  • Imbue

    My husband does the laundry after he mows the lawn...does that answer your question?

    PS..We both do dishes and I do most of the cleaning.

  • RR

    Believe it or not, that's MY job. I do the dishes and the laundry. I also get my daughter ready for school in the morning, dress her up, drop her off and pick her up in the afternoons. Sometimes I even cook dinner when the wife's is going to be late! I don't mean hotdogs! :)

  • Imbue

    Valis no it doesn't count...LOL I'd have you trained in no time so come over to my house to play..

  • out4good3

    Have done it all from washing dishes to cooking to cleaning the toilet. Hell, I'm even guilty of buying those feminine products for my wife that most men will have nothing to do with. My wife even makes faviorable comments on on the brands I choose.

  • Valis

    Imb...I'd have you tied up in no time so don't tempt me...

    Why doesn't it count? I use many more skills when preparing a meal than the dishwasher does....

  • PopeOfEruke

    I f**king COOK and DO the DISHES!!!!

    And do i mind??? No DEAR, of course I don't!!! Please don't hit me again....OUCH!

    Poor Pope

  • Valis

    So that's why the pope shakes so much...domestic violence......


    District Overbeer

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