Respect Your Elders!

by comforter 78 Replies latest jw friends

  • comforter

    ???There you go with that dub-I'll-apply-scripture-to-the-flesh thing again.???

    What are you talking about?

  • Undecided

    Hi Neb,

    The squirrels are all over my yard, so you think they are getting ready for my seventieth birthday in 3 1/2 years?

    Ken P.

  • Naeblis

    Undecided: You better hope they can't read ancient greek.

  • hillary_step
    I think that different issues are being conflated. Just because elderly men have spent their entire lives in Bethel and may have not been exposed to living in the world gives no one the reason to disrespect these men on the basis of their age. One does not have to conflate old age with the other issues.

    On the contrary Squire, if their age effects the validity of their decisions, and these decisions then lead to premature death, there is every reason to disrespect them. No conflation, the amount of time spent in the institution directly correlates to their age, it would would it

    This is the viewpoint that many have on this Board, which leads them not to direspect all elderly people, only those who endanger life with their decisions.

    Best - HS

    PS - Please forgive Naeblis. He is involved in a life and death struggle with a squirrel over his nuts at the moment and is not thinking straight.

  • orangefatcat

    I think we need the troll patrol out!!

  • Bang

    I think the problem is that they're arrogant in the face of ignorance and guilt - that's a heck of a thing to have grown old with, and consider that others will be naturally peacable.


    You really think that Thou shalt rise up before the hoary head, and honour the face of the old man, and fear thy God: I am the LORD is about looking up to all the old people don't you.

  • comforter

    Mr Step

    ???On the contrary Squire, if their age effects [sic] the validity of their decisions, and these decisions then lead to premature death, there is every reason to disresepct [sic] them. No conflation, the amount of time spent in the institution directly correlates to their age, it would would it

    Is their age affecting their decisions? Even if it is, I do not think that one should disrepect old age as such. Like I said, I think the pope is supporting a false religious system. He is getting old and his judgment is probably also affected. Yet I am not going to conflate old age with bad decisions or judgments that the pope may make. I can criticize the pope without castigating his advanced years. Do you see the point, sir?

    ???This is the viewpoint that many have on this Board, which leads them not to direspect all elderly people, only those who endanger life with their decisions.???

    I do not believe that any older persons should be disrepected simply because they are old and make bad decisions. I can separate the two issues and condemn an old man's wrong actions without insulting him about irritable bowel syndrome or some gastric disorder he may or may not have.

  • comforter

    ???I think the problem is that they're arrogant in the face of ignorance and guilt - that's a heck of a thing to have grown old with, and consider that others will be naturally peacable.???

    Nothing you have said justifies disrecting an old person as such. You seem to emply a type of what is good for the goose argument. But you surely recognize the fallacious nature of such reasoning.

  • ashitaka
  • Farkel

    : Most cultures throughout human history have encouraged the young to show the utmost respect for their elders. The ageism that is manifested in this place is disgusting to comforter.

    Most scumbags when they reach very advanced ages, simply cease to be scumbags anymore. Either they've matured and seen the folly of their lives, or they're just to tired to continue being scumbags.

    The GB has four men in their mid-ninties who are STILL scumbags. They have several others in their eighties who are STILL scumbags. And these ancient scumbags are grooming their younger members in all the finer points of being scumbags.

    Now, what was your question again?


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