What's the one thing you miss about the WTS?

by Naeblis 60 Replies latest jw friends

  • outnfree

    Scully: "Oh, and frozen vanilla pudding cups!"

    LOL -- this was the highlight of our assemblies, too. Normally, we'd go for chocolate, but Swiss Miss vanilla is Oh-so-yummy!!! If ever we'd be late getting in line at lunch and the vanilla puddings were all gone the day was spoiled! and we'd be sure to have our priorities straight the next day.

    Right now, what I miss most is how 'the Friends' would all jump in and help clean up after a party or a meal together. My dishwasher is down, I haven't called the plumber yet, and dishes are piling up in my kitchen!

    Morrisamb: "I did have some great laughs with the older sisters in service"

    I miss Lila and Vera!!!


    When a true genius appears in the world, you may know him by this sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him. -- Jonathan Swift

  • Xena

    It was kinda nice having ready made friends...now I have to actually WORK at making friends

  • jst_me

    i miss my mom.

  • scootergirl

    I miss having a mother and a father. Although it has been years since we were together, I still think about the good times that we had. Think about how wonderful it would have been to have a mother be there when my babies were born, or how great it would have been to have a reasurring hug from a father who really loved me.

    Oh, and forget the pudding cups...I was partial to the plastic wrapped Cream Cheese Danishes!


  • openminded

    I miss walking up to a class mates door in a cheap suit on warm summer Saturday mornings as they are getting ready to head to the lake with their normal parents and family. Then getting to see them at school on Monday and not blaming them for wanting to keep a safe distance from me.

    I also miss having really nice "worldly girls" ask if I was interested in going to dances and whatnot and having to make excuses like; I uh cant cause I uh have to help my um cousin sod his yard so uh maybe next time. -om

  • roybatty

    I miss bothering people at their homes on Saturday morning. God, nothing more enjoyable then knocking on someone's door to peddle your beliefs and seeing that look of joy on the person face as you share the truth with them. Ah, those were the days.

  • moman

    Getting "love-bombed" by beautiful women like I was some kinda rock-star, lol

  • petespal2002

    Why, what happened to you to divide you from your mom?

  • SixofNine


  • NeonMadman

    Was I in the same religion as you guys? Geez, wild parties, free sex at assemblies, Naebs doing the elders' wives...the most exciting thing we ever did as JW kids was get together to go over our Watchtowers on Staurday night. Then the Society put the kibosh on that too.

    Oops, I almost forgot about those wild roller skating parties at the local rink...why, sometimes, I even got to hold hands with the sisters while we skated...



    "Gentlemen, he said, I don't need your organization, I've shined your shoes, I've moved your mountains and marked your cards. But Eden is burning"
    --Bob Dylan

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