What's the one thing you miss about the WTS?

by Naeblis 60 Replies latest jw friends

  • Naeblis

    There are times when Ilook back fondly on my days in the Witnesses, especially when I think on the congregation get togethers we would have every once in awhile (not too often) People from our hall and sometimes others would show up (not too many) and good times were had by all. This is how the schedule usually went.

    8pm: Arrive at the Community Centre

    8:05pm: Scope the room. Look for chicks
    If chicks found, rate said chicks in the Naeblis hotness ratio.
    Start at the hottest chick, work your way down (if a hot chick sees you get blown off by a not so hot chick your whole night is over)

    If no chicks found. Scope room for guys to fight. Rate guys in order of supposed toughness. Pick out toughtest guy. Give him the Naeblis glare.

    8:30: Party is going nowhere. Chicks all hate you. Too many elders to fight properly. Night rapidly spinning out of control.

    8:45: Slip out of the hall while everyone is distracted by the musical chairs. Drink 40 of rye underneath your car.

    9:15: Enter the community hall reeking of rye. Insist on playing musical chairs though the game is long over. Body check 10 year old girl.

    9:30: After short talk with parents where they promise to "discuss this further later" participate in bible games taking place. Answer Moses to every question and laugh uproariously. Pretend to BE moses. As you're walking up to the buffet, part the crowd with a hockey stick, slashing at people's shins.

    10:30: Everyone is singing Kingdom Melodies outside by the bonfire. Loudly inform everyone that the bonfire has pagan connections and refuse to participate. Sob to yourself quietly, every now and again trying to convince people to abandon their apostacy.

    11:00: Make off with the half in the bag Elder's wife.

    11:04: Return satisfied.

    11:20: Go home happy and fulfilled, glad to be a part of such a wonderful group of people.

  • Satanus

    The parties and other social stuff.
    The work contacts.
    The trips w other jw's. Camping, canoe trips, fishing trips etc.


  • D8TA

    Over dramatic acting of the ..."Dramas".

    Using crayons in my copy of My Book of Bible Stories, and giving Jebus blue armpit hair.

    When your 10 years old, daring that kid who was 7, to drop quarters and look up the "sisters" dresses.

    When your 15, daring each other to drop quarters so you can look up the "sisters" dresses.

    Coming up with "hand signals" so you can have a secret code to communicate with friends during "preachy time" at the Circuit Assembly.


    Going to the car to fall asleep during assemblies.

    D8TA v2.0

  • avengers


    Camping, canoe trips, fishing trips etc

    Like that trip in New Zeeland wasn't it, left one dead and the others scarred for life in a sexual escapade where one elder was watching over and the GB washed it's hands in innocence?

  • Francois

    I miss all the free, wild, willing, moist, heaving, ready pussy at the assemblies.

    Those were the days my friend,
    We thought they'd never end,
    That they would last forever and a day.

    We'd live the life we choose,
    We thought we'd never loose,
    Those were the days,
    Oh, yes,Those were the days...


  • lv4fer

    Actually, I do miss the get togethers with some of the friends. We had a fun group we went camping and boating with. I wasn't in the goody two shoe click though.

    Oh well, in time I hope to make new friends to do these things with.

    Did you really go to the car during the assembly? And I thought I was bad one time when I was having a tough time staying awake at a district assembly and walked across the street to get a Latte. I was gone for maybe 20 min. My husband gave me this lecture about how I was setting a poor example for the kids. But they all wanted a sip of my drink!

  • Scully

    I really miss the invitations from the elders' kids to go and visit in their parents' hotel rooms while the adults went out for dinner on the town. The elders' kids would get out the booze, some would pair off into couples and start making out. I was invited along as a "chaperone". To me it was more of an educational experience.

    One time we even got busted when the elder and elderette came back to the hotel earlier than expected. The elders' kids all backed each other up and said "It was Scully's idea!!" The elderette started yelling at me and telling me what a "horrible little slut" I was (I was 15 at the time and wasn't doing anything that they'd just witnessed their own kids doing!) and said I should be ashamed of myself for single-handedly turning the hotel into "a whorehouse for Jehovah's Witnesses"! The only thing I could think of to say in reply was "I guess we know what your daughters are then!"

    I went and found my parents and told them everything, because I wanted them to hear it from me and not from Sister Mother of Whores.
    To my dad's credit, he waited for her to approach him, and then he questioned her about what she actually saw, and then told her that she owed me an apology (which never did happen) quel surprise! Later that evening, in the swimming pool, one of the elder's boys pulled me underwater and held me there. He only let me go when I stopped moving so that he thought he'd drowned me.

    Yeah I sure do miss those things about the assemblies.

    Oh, and frozen vanilla pudding cups!

    Love, Scully

  • Prisca
    The only thing I could think of to say in reply was "I guess we know what your daughters are then!"

    ROTFLOL @ this... great come-back, Scully!

  • morrisamb

    Hey Naeb, you definitely had a very different kinda get-to-gether than I did in sticksville Aylmer...one time they played "Wasn't It A Party?" by the Rovers and my sister and I were the only ones dancing in the whole school gynasium. An unchristian song and all.
    It was like the devil was dancing with his lady..the cold stares we got!
    Guess I did have more guts than I thought I did.

    Another time I asked an Elder's wife to dance, and she said, "I never dance with anyone but my husband."

    Nope don't miss those times...I did have some great laughs with the older sisters in service. They were the ones with the true party spirit!

  • SpiceItUp

    I miss naptime on Sunday mornings and Tues & Thurs nights.

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