Shaking Hands with Death - Part 3

by Amazing 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Undecided

    Hi Jim,

    It's great that you are doing so well. Your explaination of what life means was very close to my feelings right now. I don't even want to hear preachers spouting out bible verses and their views of what God requires for use to get life after death. If there is a God out there and he wants to give me life after this one I will appreciate it, but that's his call. I think we should be more concerned with this one and how we use it instead of continually looking forward to some imaginary one, whether in heaven with golden streets or a new earth with all bad people killed off. I probably don't have too much time before I will know/not know if I'm dead.
    Good luck with your operation if you chose that route.

    Ken P.

  • Oldhippie

    You conclude your story with a profound observation that we humans share a bond created by the eventuality of death. With that in view it makes life and the here and now ever more precious. God, if he exists, must laugh at those who try so hard to put him into a narrow, easily definable box. For some reason, the Lennon song "Imagine" comes to mind. I can't remember the lines exactly however the gist is to imagine a world w/o religion where people live in harmony. God is not the is religion.

    Having said that, I am glad you are with us today and able to share your experience and how it effected you. Take care of yourself.

  • Simon

    Well done Jim !

    My dad has been having some alternate treatment to clean his arteries and stuff (Chelation) and says he feels a lot better for it. He hasn't had to use any nitro for well over a couple of weeks when at one point it was every day

  • LyinEyes

    Wild Turkey and I are so glad to hear you are on your way to a
    great recovery. Once again, as usual I agree with what you said, about human connections, the bonds we have. Even if we don't know someone on a intimate level,, we still have something in us that draws us together,, especially in times of crisis. I am so glad you had a great team of doctors and nurses working for you. You seem to always have a deep understanding of what others are feeling, and you are a very much appreciated for your kindness. Sending you love and best wishes for a speedy recovery.

  • FreeFallin


    So glad you're better!!


  • orangefatcat

    What can a person say? I for one am so happy that you are on the mend and I want you to know that I really appreciate you sharing your innermost feelings with us. I know that if this were to ever happen to me I would now know what to expect because you have explained it so clearly and concisely.
    You indeed have a very strong will to live and you are a survivor. Bless you Jim.

    Terry xoxoxo

  • proplog2

    Amazing: Glad to hear you made it. THIS life IS all there IS. (I have not yet been persuaded otherwise). Enjoy another day.

    Pain transcends fear? No. Pain is a partner to fear - probably the senior partner.

    E-Mail me your address if you feel like it. I plan to be in the Chicago area shortly.

  • JAVA


    Welcome back, and thanks for a great post--it's one of the best I've read! I'm very happy you're doing well, and hope that continues. Your description of finding God in the professionals at the hospital, and support from friends was insightful; thanks again for sharing.

  • TheStar


    I've just now been able to read all 3 of your threads, as I can not come here during the weekend because of Hubby, well you know that.

    I am in tears... tears over the lesson in humanity you had to share with us, tears because of being relieved that you are still here with us who love you and tears because I feel I missed being a part of this and would have liked to have been in the hospital with you, I didn't even get to call you at the hospital.

    You've been likea father figure to me. I will never forget how much you have helped me with my current situation and I hope to have you on this earth for a very long time.

    Please take care of yourself and take it easy.


    Lots of Love,


  • Joyzabel


    I am so glad you survived your massive heart attack and could share the experience with us. Thank you for sharing your experience, you are a gifted writer.

    I agree with your account of connecting with fellow humans in a bond we don't understand yet. The touch is a powerful connector.

    Now I have to comment on all your sci-fi hook ups. To me it was funny that with all the latest and greatest wires connecting you to monitors for your BP and heart, etc, that you didn't have a simple old foley catheter in! Peepee in a urinal, how quaint. And after all you went through (modesty is long gone) when you are conscious, someone has to help you pee! hehe

    Now be sure to take good care of yourself and get those arteries cleaned out. Don't over do it, just because you escaped death this time.


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