He Loves Me After All!

by COMF 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • Imbue

    Congratulations Comf...Trust is the issue isn't it? We have much difficulty in that area..hehehe Your still learning even post program so it seems your experiencing an on going rational recovery. That's so good to hear!

    It's a beautiful house and I hope you really enjoy living there.

    "The only good elite are dead elite!!"-Naeblis
    (Ok! He borrowed it)

  • waiting

    What a beautiful home & at a steal of a price! I can't believe that it wouldn't appraise higher than that - and near Dallas too!

    Have you thrown yourself on your YARD yet and rolled back and forth saying "it's mine, it's mine, it's mine, it's mine!" Well, your's and the bank's.

    Do you mind waiting?"

    Who... me? :)

    It's so much fun having a funky name

    You've acheived soooooooo much in your life - well wishes!


  • Princess

    Congratulations Comf. What a beautiful home! I'm still in shock over the $125000 asking price. That would be way up in the $300K's here.

    Well done.


    "Consider the lilies of the goddamn field" -Ulysses Everett McGill

  • DannyBear


    I read every word of your story, it was obvious that you realized the signifigant milestone this (ordinary) purchase represented. Thanks for revealing yourself so much.

    I feel I have gained a whole new perspective on Comf. Your a brave man, with alot of heart Comf. 'Picking yourself up by the boot straps' is hardly the expression here. Not to mention that through this stressful even, you apparently avoided your ole love-alcohol!

    You deserve this new found feeling of acceptance. As a proud home owner/tax paying member of the community, felony or not, look anybody in the eye with no reservations.

    YOu have dumped the Tower and all it's resident guilt. You have overcome one of the hardest addictions known. You have come to terms with your past.

    What more could a guy ask for? An attractive bed mate....which appears you also have secured!

    Whats next?

    Iam proud to know you Comf.


  • DannyBear

    Btw Comf,

    That house in California would sell at least in $300,000s or more.

  • FreeFallin


    What a beautiful home..and a wonderful success story.


  • Dutchie

    Comf, I enjoyed reading your story. I close mortgage loans all the time so the part about the zillions of pieces of paper to sign and initial was especially appreciated.

    Beautiful home. Lots of space for just two people. Is it your plan to one day hear the pitter, patter of tiny feet?

  • LB

    That's a gorgeous house. I've always hated credit with a passion. But you can't buy a house without credit. At least I can't. I've done my fair share of hoop jumping myself.

    I hope you can be very happy in that home.

    Oh, but, you'll be mowing the lawn now. Ants will infest your stash of halloween candy. And with that lovely front door, you'll be getting visits every saturday morning from those cargroups.

    Never Squat With Yer Spurs On

  • safe4kids


    How wonderful for you! I side with the others here who stated that YOU are the one who did all the work but if you want to share the credit with a higher power , that's ok with me.

    Reading this thread, it struck me that you and I have some things in common and I can well relate to the hard work involved in freeing yourself from an addiction. I bought a home last year and boy, am I jealous of yours! LOL That house would go for well over $200,000 here in my neck of the woods! But isn't it wonderful to see tangible results from the hard work that you've done? Enjoy your home, COMF, you deserve it.


  • hillary_step


    I wish to add my congratulations to the resounding chorus, not just for your newly aquired home but for the determination that you have showed in putting the pieces of you life together and moving on.

    Well done and thank you - HS

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