Re Hostage victims killed in Sydney: "dont worry, at least they will NOW get a ressurection"

by stuckinarut2 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • stuckinarut2

    So most would now know of the vile act in Sydney last week where a man held hostage over 17 people in the Lindt cafe in the middle of Sydney.

    Two people were murdered...a beautiful, educated lawyer,loving mother of three, and a brave, loving young man working as the Cafe manager.

    This senseless and cruel act has touched everyone deeply, especially in the communities of Sydney. The outpouring of grief and support for the victims and their families has been immense.

    I was therefore outraged to have the following comment made by a Witness in conversation at the kingdom hall:

    "well, we dont need to be sad, because at least NOW they (the two victims) will get a ressurection. If this hadnt happened, they probably wouldnt have accepted the truth becuase of their busy lives or lifestyle" She went on in more detail that I simply will NOT repeat!

    I simply replied quietly: "well, I guess more people should be murdered then?"

    On top of that, I have heard that the city congs have sent out witnesses everywhere in the city where the memorial to the victims has sprung up! Yes, they are out there attempting to recruit while people are in a state of extreme grief and mourning! Get people while they are at their lowest and tempt them with Fairy Tales of paradise!!

    It makes me so mad!

  • Sherilynn

    I can remember in 2004 when I told my best friend (JW) that my Mom had terminal cancer she said at least she will have the resurrection, to which I was in total shock, what the f*@K did that have to do with losing my Mom. This was the beginning of my leaving this Death Wish Religion. Still today they are still hoping the Big A will take care of all THEIR problems, nothing to do with mankind, its really about themselves.

  • stuckinarut2

    Yes, very insensitive sherilynn!

    sorry to hear you were treated like that!

    This org is indeed messed up...they actually think that it is a GOOD thing to die, because that gives an express ticket into the "panda patting paradise"!

  • Mr Negative
    Mr Negative

    What is most ridiculous about these comments is that the gunman was killed too, so he now also gets to be resurrected.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    "If this hadn't happened, they probably wouldnt have accepted the truth because of their busy lives or lifestyle"


    This statement is very revealing:

    1. Underlying message: If you are not lucky enough to be murdered (or at least die in some other way) in this 'old system', you are SOL.

    2. The JW god is so limited, despite their mantra proclaiming his almightiness.

    3. God cannot save "busy" people. Apparently Jehovahâ„¢ can only influence people with lots of free time on their hands.

    4. Notice the pre-judgmental JW attitude: "probably wouldn't have accepted the truth". Doesn't this explain better than anything why the WT/JW preaching has gotten so lazy, so superficial? They are no longer doing a life-saving work...they are doing their JW duty and counting time- that's it.

    5. "If this hadn't happened": in other words, it's a good thing when people are murdered.

    6. I wonder how (I know how) JWs would react if these two people who were murdered were JWs and not just worthless "worldly" people, and "worldly" people made the same statement this JW made? Can you imagine the outrage that would come from the JW community???

    7. Finally, the entire self-aggrandizing WT claim of being "the most loving organization on earth" can be obliterated and categorically discredited with this one comment. This is how JWs really feel about their fellow human beings, which exposes their sham preaching activity and religious claims for the ruse that it is.

  • AnnOMaly

    "well, we dont need to be sad, because at least NOW they (the two victims) will get a ressurection. If this hadnt happened, they probably wouldnt have accepted the truth becuase of their busy lives or lifestyle"

    Aw, how heart-warming and comforting - I guess the same can be said of the 8 murdered children in Cairns.


    Even as a loyal 'in the box' dubbie, I wouldn't have been able to let such an asinine remark go.

  • Simon

    Notice the pre-judgmental JW attitude: "probably wouldn't have accepted the truth"

    It's a torpedo through the whole belief system - whether someoneis 'saved' or not depends on circumstances and events many of which are outside of their control. Their boss gives them extra work ... bzzzz - now too busy to be saved.

    And who is some little witness to judge who will and won't be 'saved' anyway?

    It's more like some shallow thinker trying to reinforce to themselves that they are 'saved' and special. Out of all the people on the planet they are one of the special few who know 'the truth' and hav been chosen by god.

    But they are willing to use the tragic deaths of others as a way to sell their magazines.

  • Apognophos

    It's a torpedo through the whole belief system - whether someoneis 'saved' or not depends on circumstances and events many of which are outside of their control. Their boss gives them extra work ... bzzzz - now too busy to be saved.

    Ha, nice point. I guess with this kind of brain-addled way of looking at things, the worldly boss giving out work is the villain of the story, and if a workplace shooter comes running through the office spraying people with an AK-47, he's the hero of the story. "Guaranteed resurrections for everybody!" *ratatatatat*

  • clarity

    Using jw thinking would be a great idea

    to just shoot people instead of preaching to them,

    because then they will get reserrected. Whereas

    those who get preached to ...and reject message,

    will die forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    OMG ......why didn't we see this right away!

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    I remember hearing a similar comment from an elder after 9/11. I believe his exact words were "It's 3000 people who wouldn't have survived armageddon anyway."

    The ease with which they are able to detach themselves from such tragedies is staggering. There's no need to invest emotionally in the lives of non-jws, because their god will sort it all out.

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