Why isn't the story of SAMPSON quickly and clearly regarded a myth?

by Terry 45 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • jws

    Samson is definitely NOT a myth. I saw him several times with my own eyes when I was a kid. Used to scare the crap out of me when he'd bang against the glass in his cage. Lowland gorillas are huge and strong. I thought he might break the glass and escape. But loved to see him anyway. R.I.P. Samson!

    I'm sorry. Different Samson?

  • Apognophos

    I'll have to go back and read the account. From memory, Samson did not consciously agree, choose, decide to have his hair cut.

    Yes, but the "moral" was the fact that he had told Delilah about the secret of his strength in the first place. His downfall was allowing himself to be seduced. Obviously the guy was pretty dumb since Delilah had already betrayed him, what, twice?

  • Terry

    Yes, but the "moral" was the fact that he had told Delilah about the secret of his strength in the first place. His downfall was allowing himself to be seduced. Obviously the guy was pretty dumb since Delilah had already betrayed him, what, twice?


    I went back and read the entire tale.

    At this far remove, I have to say it is poorly told as a story.

    Samson would actually have to be clueless in intellect to fall for the same trick over and over and over again.

    The scriptures say Jehovah wanted Samson to be with the Philistine woman because He needed a pretext to take them on.

    This doesn't sound like fair play in approving of the affair and then punishing the man for acceding to it.

    But then, Old Testament Jehovah could be a real prick.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    Samson would actually have to be clueless in intellect to fall for the same trick over and over and over again.

    It seems the old-time "Jehovah's Witnesses" weren't much different than modern JWs

  • sparky1

    "But then, Old Testament Jehovah could be a real prick." - Terry

    How true that is! Yet sometimes Jehovah could be a real sport and one hell of an understanding god. After all he let Sampson have a good 'lay' when the need arose and didn't punish him in the least. "One time Samson went to Gaza and saw a prostitute there, and he went in to her." Judges 16:1 NWT Revised 2013. Much like lying in Theocratic warfare, perhaps Jehovah allows fornication when it is for the outworking of his purpose? (Judges 14:4 NWT Revised 2013)

  • Vidiot

    Terry - "The scriptures say Jehovah wanted Samson to be with the Philistine woman because He needed a pretext to take them on. This doesn't sound like fair play in approving of the affair and then punishing the man for acceding to it."

    Starting to sound like Jehovah and Zeus had more in common than we thought...

  • designs

    Big fan of Victor Mature.

  • gda

    I like all the giant nephalim skeletons found all over the world. HUGE with double rows of teethe and 6 fingers. Russia found the famed myth half man half goat skeleton.... that was really bizzar.

  • _Morpheus

    Lol i hope your kidding gda....

  • Terry

    Big fan of Victor Mature.

    Unless my memory is part hallucination, I remember Victor Mature having a TV repair shop and a small restaurant on--I think--Santa Monica Blvd.

    in Los Angeles. His face (likeness) was painted on the window.

    This would have been in the 70's and he was born in 1913, so he was getting up in years.

    I think his family had owned a restaurant at one time.

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