Why isn't the story of SAMPSON quickly and clearly regarded a myth?

by Terry 45 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • sparrowdown

    I just thought Sampson was from the Simpson's Bible.

  • Simon

    I posted about this a while ago (Is the WTS backing away from "Bible Tall Tales" ?) and called him Sampson too ... so it's Samson rght?

    The greatest warriors of the ancient world were undoubtedly the Spartans. even with the 300 at Thermopolae they were not making the claims that are in the bible - and they had swords, not a set of Donkey Dentures.

    I always like to look beyond the obvious story at other mentions to see how full of holes something is. In this case, you have the most amazing killer that the planet has ever seem - a single man! ... and they finally discover that the secret of his strength is his hair and cutting it is the only way they are able to overpower him.

    Yet they don't assign a barber to cut his hair every day?!?!? Heck, why do they even keep him alive?

    Of course it makes no sense. It's just Bible tall tales of badly written unbelievable fiction.

    I thought nothing could be worse than Twilight but the Bible comes through to save it.

  • Simon

    Random vaguely related fact:

    Lyle's Goldeon Syrup had a quote from Sampson on their tin that bears a picture of the rotting carcass of a lion with a swarm of bees, and the slogan "Out of the strong came forth sweetness".

    I think it's the oldest original brand design in the UK.


    Oh ye of little credulity ! He tied the tails [tales] of the foxes with cable - ties ! voila ! sorted ! Cos I just tried tying my dog's tails now and its impossible to make a knot - it just would knot ! Dogs got very agitated - I am sure the Foxes would also have become a little freaked out.

    Very cruel !

  • processor

    But we all know that Samson prefigured Socialism:

    And since socialism does exist, Samson must have existed, too. Isn't that accurate Watchtower logic?

  • Pistoff


    Where is that picture from?

  • designs

    Personally I like the Bible Story of Mighty Mouse...

  • mgmelkat
  • _Morpheus

    I enjoyed reading the thoughtful remarks regarding the historicity of samson V Hercules. I have pondered that myself and also wondered if it wasnt simply stuck in the book of judges post greek influance. The parallels are too great to dismiss. The account of jesus also compres in similar ways. Son of god, Saviour etc. Pauls use of tartarus, a previously unknown word and concept to jews, shiws just how much greek influance there was in biblical writings.

  • processor

    Where is that picture from?

    The Photo-Drama of Creation

    "Even now, Labor, like the blind giant Samson, is groping for the pillars whose fall will overthrow present conditions."

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