local needs "are you spiritually grown up?"

by sylvlef 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • steve2

    The fact that the organization periodically churns out this kind of 'talk' is a tacit admission that, in general, males raised in the religion are guilty of that other 'A' word that is more threatening to the organization than Apostasy could ever be: Apathy.

    The organization proves how appallingly out of touch with human psychology it is by assuming another "make-'em-feel-bad" talk will remediate high levels of membership apathy.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    This goes right along with ToMo's (a.k.a. "Tony Too Tight Pants Human Hot Dog The Turd) recent comments at the "special" meeting: 'Has your family vacationed at Disneyland but haven't visited Bethel? SHAME ON YOU!'

    'Sisters, are you interested in a brother who's not an M.S. ? SHAME ON YOU! If a brother is 23 years-old and NOT an M.S., there's something wrong with him.'

    This tells you all you need to know about WT: they've got nothing to offer anyone, and the only way to keep JWs in the program is by threats, intimidation and fear. Pathetic.

  • sparrowdown

    Same-old, same-old: you are not doing enough you lazy assholes, now drop and give me thirty.... hrs of field service.

  • eyeuse2badub

    Did the "local needs" talk also warn the 'young sisters' not to marry anyone 23 or older who is not a MS. Remember what 'tight pants Tony', a brother of Christ, (yea right) told the entire worldwide brotherhood. His warning must be heeded.

    The apostle Paul warned; "Marry only in the Lord" but the apostle Tony "tight pants" added to Paul's warning; "marry only in the Lord if he's a MS"

    just sayin'!


  • WingCommander

    "The beatings will continue until morale improves."

  • Apognophos

    Xanthippe, your post really resonates with me. It's the small-mindedness that I can't stand. It's largely what started me on my way out of the org. These people have no ambition for personal achievements or self-expression, no desire to contribute to society. They're just culture-less bumps on a log.

  • hoser

    did your congregation have a circuit overseer visit recently? Remember $hit rolls downhill. Perhaps the elders got crapped on by the co for not having enough young brothers reaching out and this is their reaction.


    LOL!! You guys keeps me sane. Let's call a spade, a spade. LOCAL NEEDS: Are you following the prescribed list of man-made qualifications by which the WTBTS measures your devotion to the WTBTS Leaders and the corporation of said leaders? STFU AND BE BLESSED.. Amen.



  • sylvlef

    hoser, now That you mention it the co visit was somerhing like a month ago...good thinking.

    what was really entairtaining is That every one knew who was This talk directed at: We are 3 between 18 and 35 (2 Guys including me and 1 girl) who are not gung-ho jw...almost Never answering at the meeting,nowhere to be seen in field circus and looking bored at the meetings.

    but i do not feel concerned because they specifically targeted Young born in That have no issue with the doctrine....Haha.i have big issue with the doctrine because i do not believe in That sh...t so technically, This was not for me ;)

    idiots. They assume That every one believe them, but those who do not believe and want to keep their family Never let it slip...so they do not know who thinks what, and fire blindly at everyone...

  • EndofMysteries

    in other words pious sneering to all those who aren't piousneers

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