My dog just died.

by panhandlegirl 42 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Pete Zahut
    Pete Zahut

    I love my furry tail waggin' best friend and he loves me no matter what. He comes to work with me every day and he is a uniting force in our office and on the job sites I visit each day. I know well from past experience the pain you speak of when a pet dies and I really took that into consideration when getting my current dog. In the end, I decided that although giving my heart over to another pet will ultimately result in a big sadness down the road, it is better to have experienced the good years with him and the joy of providing a happy life for him, than to have missed out on all that just because I wanted to sheild myself from experiencing future sadness.

    The thing I have to remember about animals is not to project my own feelings onto them. They are not sentimental like we are, they pretty much live in the moment and accept things at face value. They don't reflect on the big picture meaning behind everything they experience and perhaps that's why we enjoy them so much. It wouldn't be much fun to have a pet that worried about the future or whether or not there was an afterlife, held grudges or moped over things in the past or was always looking for ulterior motives. Sounds like your little poodle had a good life with you and you both enjoyed eachother and you have to be thankful for that even though it wasn't for as long as you'd hoped.

    Time will be a friend to you in your loss and in time you'll adjust maybe even to the point of maybe wanting to give another animal a good home and a good life.

  • smiddy

    Nobody loves you like a dog does , my wife bought a toy poodle a few weeks after birth , I was a bit so-so about a dog in the house , outside was where they blonged I thought.Another dog person suggested she was more like a tea-cup poodle being so small .After a few months she grew on me .

    Then we went away for a week and the young couple who looked after her ( dog lovers ) let her sleep in our bed with them.

    Holy toledo you let her sleep in our bed ? From then on it was down hill all the way .

    She was with us for 16.5 years , she bonded with me , I have a beautiful photo of her, I wish I could send ,it was the worst day of my life when I just had to put her down because of her health , I never cried as much when my mother and father passed away as much as I loved them.

    I sobbed like a baby when lilly died. , and I`m a grown man .

    I still miss her dearly , another dog is out of the question because of my age.And they could never replace lilly.

    I know what you are going through panhandlegirl and its only time that will help you get through this.


  • factfinder

    panhandlegirl- That is so sad your beloved poodle died. I have lost many beloved pets, they are a part of our family, our babies. Our beloved beagle Mason died July 1, after a sudden back injury that was paralyzing him.

    I'm very sorry for your loss of your baby poodle.

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    I am so sorry for your loss and your grief. The pain in your heart will eventually fade, but it does not remove the loss of such a loving and devoted companion, nor does it provide an answer to the possibility of being together with that most beautiful creature.

    Coming home and finding our beloved pet had died unexpectedly and way too prematurely, I was totally heartbroken and cried and cried with my wife.

    If I was a non-believer, I'd have to accept that there was no chance of meeting up again - it's simply the circle of life & death.

    However, as the Bible doesn't comment specifically on every detail of God's future purposes, but one verse which gives me hope is this one: (Psalm 145:16) "You open your hand And satisfy the desire of every living thing."

    There's absolutely no Bible reason why God couldn't/wouldn't resurrect certain animals who have brought incredible joy, love, and companionship to their owners, some even going so far as to die protecting their owners!

    I keep this thought in my heart. I hope your happy memories overwhelm your sadness soon.

  • LoveUniHateExams

    I'm sorry to hear of your loss and I hope that time heals your wounds.

    I don't really know what else to say. In the past, I've been guilty of dismissing peoples' grief over pets as overindulgance, sentimentality for its own sake, etc. I've never really been a doggy person but my parents bought a husky last year and I have to say, dogs are loyal to their owners. I've come to regard him as almost a brother.

    In time, do you plan on getting another dog?

    Take care


  • rebel8

    I'm sorry.

  • flipper

    PANHANDLE GIRL_ I'm so sorry for your loss. Mrs. Flipper and I are very close to our pets as well and have lost some in death . It definitely hurts when we lose our friends. Sending my condolences to you . Sincerely. Mr, Flipper

  • nancy drew
    nancy drew

    It is very painful and I still think about them even though many years have passed.

    one beautiful dog, one beautiful cat and one handsome cat

  • cookiemaster

    I'm extremely sorry for your loss. I've been unfortunate enough to go through the same type of loss multiple times in the past year, so I understand how terrible it can be. The concept of an afterlife is nothing more than a coping mechanism humans use to deal with the harsh reality of death. It's not real, regardless if you're a human or an animal. You might find comfort thinking of all the ways you made your dog happy, knowing that there are dogs in the world who don't enjoy the love of humans and are merely thrown away, injured and without food. So, giving a dog the gift of living a good life can be extraordinary. Pets are family, and it's not silly to feel devastated by their death. Try to keep yourself occupied and the pain will fade a little as time goes by. I wish you all the best!

  • GrreatTeacher

    I once had a big, beautiful orange tabby. I got him when I was about 22 years old. He used to ride on my shoulder, paws hanging down my back, while I walked around the house.

    I had a miserable pregnancy and he would sleep right next to me during my afternoon nap, under the covers snuggled next to my belly. He knew when I wasn't feeling well and would crawl up on my lap.

    He lived for 18 years and it wasn't enough. I had him cremated and he sits on top of my jewelry box, the only one of my pets I couldn't bear to bury, in case we ever move.

    He was the great love of my life, petwise. It still hurts now, two years on.

    But, there's another orange tabby sitting at my feet right now. He's a bit sassy, but he's become quite the little love bug. I hope he stays with me for a long time.

    Pets are people, too.

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