Elder Appointments

by MaybeSo 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • MaybeSo

    Doing some research as to what qualifications someone needs to meet to become an elder, I came up with one conclusion: It's who you know and is very subjective.

    Funny thing is too, if you searc the WT online library there are not recent articles that describe and outline the requirements. Which makes me think that there were too many requirements and as we all know, it is based now on how close you are with the current CO and not necessarily on being a model JW in the congo. So the borg decided to leave it up all to the CO and not tell the rest what to look for on these appointed men.

    You could do your hours, be early to the meetings, be prepared, keep your car and house clean, family in good reputation, etc but if you are in the circle then you can forget it. Which is ok with me, I wouldn't want to waste my precious and important family time, but that's just to show how so not present the holy spirit is with these elder appointments... if there is such thing as a wholy spirit present that is but that's another subject.

  • suavojr

    I came up with one conclusion: It's who you know and is very subjective.

    That is true, but don't forget that is all about the image you and your family portrays. If you look like the person or family they show in the literature, you show the happiness, the pleasure, euphoria and excitment of living the TRUTH. You will get in the club eventually.

  • hoser

    when you are an elder or servant the goalposts keep moving. you are never good enough and never will be.

  • Londo111

    A huge part of it is hours reported on the time slip.

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    When I was "reaching out" for elder, at one point there was a hangup over field circus. Yes I was out 12-14 hours a month, but I had no VISIBILITY (I had two bible studies at that point).

    So it doesn't matter whether you actually accomplish anything in your ministry (like conduct a couple studies). . . .. you just need to make sure you APPEAR to be doing stuff.

    Like Jesus said, "By this you will know that they are my disciples, that they have very good VISIBILTY."

  • Divergent

    Speaking about hours, quantity is always more important in their eyes rather than quality. As for visibility, many who do fine works behind the scenes are overlooked in favor to those who do little but know how to put on a big show of the little that they do. That was so in my case. Go figure!

  • FadeToBlack

    I would never have made a good elder. I was too concerned with actually helping people that needed help. I think my biggest penalty was that I did not comment enough at meetings.

  • Phizzy

    I was asked to become an Elder, and said no, and I think after that the BOE were pleased they had not made me one, it would have been like "clasping an Asp to their bosom", as they found out when I was a very awkward and questioning M.S and ex-MS.

    The funny thing is that at the time I was asked I could easily have made it, I was favoured by the most verbose and prominent Elders, and opposed by few, if any.

    After that I began my gradual reversing out of the Cult.

    But I was very aware of, and disgusted by, the truth of what you say, you have to be "in" with the right people, and be seen to " toe the Party Line".

    Even then to me, Holy Spirit seemed to not come into the equation. If it had, all the total numb-nuts that I observed on many BOE's would never have made it to Elder

  • westiebilly11

    ah yes..always appear to be doing the right thing...appear to be doing field service....very true in my experience of past elders etc....yes there were genuine ones but a certain recently appointed elder was very good at telling others what to do etc but when it came to going out in 'field service' he made certain he took his time.....

  • prologos

    Phizzy, I like that "--REVERSING-- out of the cult. It started with me when they tried to push me past the CO of BOE level, it's 1960ies equivalent.

    reversing, backing out, moving away while facing the crowd, beeing aware what goes on. better than just fading, you can not be shot in the back.

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