So its the Elders School this Weekend.......

by Slidin Fast 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • Slidin Fast
    Slidin Fast

    What is the focus for this one. Is it "well lads ring the legal department but if anything goes wrong, you are on your own. We don't even know who you are! The CS deals with all that". "Don't worry its all in Jehovah's hands".

    I don't know, I could be wrong. Anu ideas?

  • disposable hero of hypocrisy
    disposable hero of hypocrisy

    Ours was just recently.

    Two sections on how to take the WT. Videos on how to treat returning df'd ones. Elders say "well, we're glad to see you've cleaned up your appearance".

    What appearance? Nicotine stained fingers perhaps? Mouth sores from some STD he'd picked up while df'd? A black eye from a bar room brawl maybe? No. He'd grown FACIAL HAIR! The dirty reprobate.

    Whatever. .....

  • blondie

    How to take the WT?

  • disposable hero of hypocrisy
    disposable hero of hypocrisy

    Sorry blondie, UK phrase, I'll consider myself reprimanded!

    I should've said "how to conduct the watchtower study"!

    Two sections on this. If they don't know how to do it yet, well, the mind boggles .

  • Still Totally ADD
    Still Totally ADD

    They are still talking about how to conduct the Wt. study? That's funny. All the 20 plus years as a elder that was always on the program at elder meetings or CO visits. I guess no one knows how to ask the quesiton at the bottom of the page. LOL Still Totally ADD

  • Iown Mylife
    Iown Mylife

    The wt study is the mind control master dial. Looking at the page before the meeting, during the meeting, formulating answers, getting called on, not getting called on, complimented for answering, listening to comments of others, listening to the paragraph and question being read. Propaganda embedded, brainwashed like a car in a car wash.

    So, very understandable elders would be trained and re trained for this crucial congregation control session, this is where the guilt reflex is implanted and fear of disapproval and pathetic desire to please an org above one's self, family and children. As well as the need to give money to the cult.

    That's why they say a person is bad if they skip meetings. The mind control begins to dissipate the more meetings you miss, and the more you might be escaping robot status. That's why you hear conversations like this: "My husband gets drunk and beats me." "But he goes to all the meetings, so you just need to pray and be a better wife."


  • BluesBrother

    They may have been having Watchtower Studies for decades, but precious few know (or care) how to "take it" properly. Our are at the school Saturday, they said they expected a very long day of "good solid instruction"

  • Saltheart Foamfollower
    Saltheart Foamfollower

    The previous KMS (and repeated at CO visits) was a video of a JC with a brother getting a "worldly" girl pregnant. The decision was to disfellowship. This KMS picks up the story (same "actors") with an appeal committee going through the case and upholding the decision. Fast forward 6 months and there is an reinstatement application (he has moved to the other side of the US). This is rejected. Two points - what message do you think they are trying to put across (BE STRICTER, LESS MERCIFUL). More importantly, can you guess which issue was never mentioned once in any of the 3 videos. The fact that he had responsibilities towards the girl and child never even registered as being worthy of a mention. Says it all about how the GB really view people.

    The video about conducting the watchtower was fairly basic (is it normal to have comfy chairs like you'd find in a living room for the reader to sit on?) - nothing that hasn't been covered in recent circuit visits, so pointless.

    There was no mention of tight pants, but NPGs (non practicing gays - I'd never heard the term before) were condemned - have to be transformed not just wear a mask. Wonder if they'll ever publish that one.

  • Apognophos

    (is it normal to have comfy chairs like you'd find in a living room for the reader to sit on?)

    Of course, what do you guys use? Most halls want the stage to look nice, so some of them even deck out a corner of the stage with a small table and lamp so the reader's chair looks like part of a living room.

    NPGs (non practicing gays - I'd never heard the term before) were condemned - have to be transformed not just wear a mask.

    Wow. They really just don't get it, do they? They think sexuality can be rewired through willpower. This is as absurd as teaching that black people can become white (oops, sorry, old Society writers). This is potentially really damaging to gay brothers because it's telling them that it's not enough to bottle up their feelings, but that they have to stop even having those feelings. This is one of the best ways to cause someone to become suicidal.

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    There was no mention of tight pants, but NPGs (non practicing gays - I'd never heard the term before) were condemned - have to be transformed not just wear a mask. Wonder if they'll ever publish that one.

    WHOOOAAAH! Wait a second! Back up there. . . . .

    This was a "point" made at this "school"?

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