At This Point In Time Would You Ever Subject Yourself To A Judicial Committee?

by minimus 59 Replies latest jw friends


    Definitely not!

    I was invited to permit a "shepherding call" most recently via SMS.

    I replied requesting the subject matter to be discussed and was told that this would only be "a visit for encouragement' [Spouse and I totally faded out 12mths now] [This was the first ever communication in all that time too]

    I replied that were you to come for a Beer and a Barbie that would be cool as you guys dont even know me and have never conversed with me about our respective lives and achievements - Ever! So you hardly know me as a "sheep". I told them directly that I would not permit 'a tribunal' to take place.

    I am still awaiting a "reply" - 2 weeks on !

  • Wasanelder Once
  • Ignoranceisbliss

    I think I will attend the trial. It is bound to happen sooner or later. I already purchased my recorder on Amazon. I'm not sure what direction the JC will go. I will definitly not try to argue doctrine. Perhaps try to reach their inner human. Ask them if they are prepared to tell my family to shun me because I have doubts. I am pretty convincing in person. It will definitly be sincere.

  • Lied2NoMore

    Yes and I would bring tazers, pepper spray, clubs, wrath, and bring audio and video recording devices....just in case it turned sour..

  • Phizzy

    I admire any like Ignoranceisbliss above who are prepared to attend, I will not. I do not recognise that they have any authority over me whatsoever.

    I wasted too much of my life on the cult, one more minute with them is one too many.

  • LoveUniHateExams

    I would never, repeat NEVER, subject myself to a JC again. They're ridiculous kangeroo courts - the JCs I read about here when lurking were far worse than mine.

    I live within the law of the land and am lucky to live in a Western country. The elders, GB, WTS have no jurisdiction over me. End of.

  • KateWild

    I went to my last JC and recorded it. It was cathartice to me and many have listened to the youtube and given support and recieved some guidance from it. I am glad I went and recorded it. But now I would not go again for any reason or talk with elders that don't care about me.

    I have left for good now and all dealings with JC are behind me.

    I will talk to JWs elders or not when I meet them and be polite. I am against shunning, I will not shun them or allow them to shun me.

    Kate xx

  • jookbeard

    I got suckered into mine due to a number of reasons; firstly I really did think I'd get off with it, secondly I had a family wedding coming up in the proceeding months do a DFing would have been the last thing my sister would have needed to deal with, the biggest problem though was the collosial waste of time the whole thing took, 2 weekends on a Saturday afternoon 2x 4 hours and on the third weekend (appeal) another 2 or 3 hours, if I could turn back the clock I would have had to do exactly the same

  • GonzoX

    If I would talk with them I would definately secretly record it. After the meeting I would tell them I am posting it on YouTube. I would really enjoy seeing the anger and frustration on there faces. Knowing that I completely disobeyed them.

  • sowhatnow

    wow jookbeard thanks for the warning, i dont have time to waste going around in circles with people i only know by name. I certainly will hope to avoid any such meeting, my husband or son never had one but they are faders and have never formally disasociated themselves by a letter, should they?

    but if it comes down to it, yes ill enjoy it, ill be armed and ready to attack, and I got a lot of bad experiences to throw at them. ill dump the load so to speak.

    all they will succeed in doing If they choose to df me, [which would probably make a lot of people question jw land] is relieving me of caring for my aging mother.

    although my mom is stubborn, I doubt she will not talk to me anymore shes way too dependant on me for conversation.

    I like my caller Id, its the random stop by that would screw me up if i did not see them coming up the driveway first, or i left my car in the driveway with the garage door open. what they dont know is we have three cars so if even one is missing it could be me.

    I think Ill have my husband leave the answering machine message, that way when and IF anyone calls they may assume I left him, again ,lol.

    If anyone comes to see me,I wont invite them in, Ill tell them Im on my way out.

    if they say they just want to see how you are, help your spirituality, and why you have been missing meetings,

    Ill ask them if thats all they want to know i can answer that quickly, my spiritual relationship with God is great, who are you to question my personal relationship with God based on man made expectations, and i dont want to continue to go to a place where Im stressed beyond belief.

    thanks for taking time out of your day but Id rather not discuss my personal life with strangers. it would shock them, as they know me only to be a church mouse.

    if they persist,

    I will ask what the goal of their visit is, if its to get me to go back to the khall and get in door to door, and help me spiritualy, Ill tell them that that is not the answer I want to hear.

    Ill ask why they would wait until i was gone rather than know whats going on in my life to help me out in the first place,

    I will ask them where there were three years ago when my husband left me and i needed help moving,and coping,

    or where was anyone for my son does anyone even know where he is does anyone care?

    or where were you when my daughter ran away

    or where were you when i begged for association for my kids.

    where are all the people who should be my freinds? ,

    and if every answer you have to everyones problems is getting in a car driving to empty houses , annoying people , preaching a different message than what the bible said was preached, then no wonder so many people are depressed and sucidal.

    try being someone freind instead of someones judge.

    but hopefully that will never happen

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