Hearing Kingdom Songs on Dateline.......sickened

by Mulan 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • Perry

    I guess I have to be the lone dissenter here. The songs made me want to cry actually, not because they sickened me but because they reminded me of an innocent time, when I didn't need to think for myself.

    They reminded me of a time before I was educated, a time when the world was simple to understand...us against them. Worst of all, they reminded me of my entire family, because they are still in it.

    I wonder why I didn't get sickened like all you guys did?

  • DannyBear

    You'er son is right. 'Creeped out' is the expression.

    This shared trauma of being fomer cult members, is one of the reasons this place is so hard to shake.

    Police, fire, emergency personnel, athletes, all share a camaraderie...it is very obvious we do as well. That's why we keep coming back to each other. It's a good thing.


  • DannyBear


    We all have been where you are. When you have been out longer, in my case 20+ year's, notalgia and fond memories are replaced by reality.

    So don't feel like your alone, the loss of innocense or should I say 'faith' is no easy matter. It's ok to shed a tear for those loses, believe me, many long sleepless nights and wasted boxes of kleenex to prove it.


  • Perry

    Thanks Danny

  • RR

    I didn't even remember those songs, I kept thinking, what song is that?

    That's my story and I'm sticking to it! . http://www.food4jws.org/testimonies/rr144.htm

  • gambler

    The songs are just a form of ritualistic chanting when you think about it.Thats why they are mind numbing and boring. THE LEADER IS GOOD THE LEADER IS GREAT WE SURENDER OUR WILL AS OF THIS DATE.

  • ConnieLynn

    When I first started watching the show, I got cold all over and had to get a blanket for some reason..It was strange. But when I heard the Kingdom Songs play, it made me cry. I was so angry and mad, all those memories came back of what it was like. After the show, my husband kept asking me what I thought, was it what I had expected, and my first response was that the songs just really creeped me out.

    What was worse, was when I went to bed, I laid there wide awake and that one darn Kingdom Song kept playing over and over in my head, I could NOT turn it off. So I sat up, turned on the light and told my husband to sing something to me so that I could get a new song in my head. Very strange reaction. I'm glad I'm not the only one affected by more than the story itself.

  • StinkyPantz

    I'm with Perry. The songs made me sad, not creeped out or mad. From time to time I find myself humming those songs or even singing them. I wanted to cry.


    "Keep your friends close, but your enemies even closer"

  • FriendlyFellaAL


    Loved that sly Simpson's reference you threw in there. Makes me think of that other little ditty Homer sang to the tune of the Batman theme: "Na na, Na na, Na na, Na na, Leader!"

    Seriously though, I was both saddened and angered by the Kingdom Melodies last night. I have such strange emotions about them...music has the power to make us feel so many different emotions, it's no wonder most of us get such strong feelings upon hearing them again. Though many of them were awkward, clunky mind-control dirges some of them had very lovely melodies. Ok, very few of them actually did, but you get my point.


  • El Kabong
    El Kabong

    I always hated when they played "Be Forgiving" at the end of the meeting. That song (4 verses, slooooooww tempo) seemed to go on forever when all I wanted to do is get the hell out of there.

    But, I found it very ironic that this song was played during the Dateline show.

    Well, it could have been worse....They could have played "From House to House". Try to get THAT tune out of your head!!!!

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