WT Study Article Nov. 23, 2014--Adam understood "day" to be 24 hours

by Cadellin 43 Replies latest watchtower bible


    The dubs went on and on about how the ransom was God's awesome idea to alleviate suffering. No one ever seems to wonder why God didn't disintergrate Satan when he sinned.

    Jehovah is all-powerful, all-knowing, he can kill you after the final test if he reads your heart. He couldn't foreknow that Satan would mislead mankind and just stop Satan?!?! His best plan was to let it happen, just like he let Satan and Co. boink all the women they wanted before the flood?!?!

    The God who performed an immaculate conception to save the human race from a situation he allowed, could not destroy Satan the instant he rebelled?? He couldn't abort the nephilim??? The watchtarded comments were maddening.


  • berrygerry

    After every creative day God proceeds to bless and pronouce his work as good.

    Was at a Christian group supper a while ago.

    One Christian woman explained that God saw everything and it was good, and then when God realized that all of the animals had mates, but Adam did not, He, for the first time said that it was "not good."

    I slapped my palm to my forehead, and gave a Homer Simpson D'oh, and then said: "Oh, so it was an oversight."

    And then I said, "After all, He is getting old."

    Went over like a lead balloon.

    (One mumbled, Blasphemy)

  • stuckinarut2

    It amazed me during the WT study, that although the same section of the bible has been around for so very long, it is only now that the WT is claiming they alone understand some of the details better than anyone else!

    Eg, saying "evidently Adam knew he would die in that day" Really, yeah? how? did you read that in the same section of scripture we all have seen??


    And what 'court reporter' was on hand in Eden to record this word for word conversation between God and Adam & Eve??? It's the same with much of the Bible.....who was there to write down exactly what was said and done between humans and God? It's all make-believe nonsense coming from the fevered imaginations of the Bible's authors. Bring up this question at the next Watchtower study: 'Who was there writing down all these conversations with God word for word????'

  • Apognophos

    The answer will be "The holy spirit told the writers this information."

  • berrygerry

    And what 'court reporter' was on hand in Eden to record this word for word conversation


  • Listener

    The bible says that Adam was not deceived, bit according to the Watcchtower he was deceived because he thought he would be dying that day.

    Would Adam really have eaten from the fruit if he believed his wife was going to die that very day?

  • Island Man
    Island Man

    "Would Adam really have eaten from the fruit if he believed his wife was going to die that very day?"

    Yes, why not? What if they thought they would die the instant they ate the fruit, as if it were poison? Eve could have told Adam, some time after eating the fruit "It's not true what God has said. We positively will not die if we eat the fruit. See! I've eaten it an hour ago and I'm still alive and furthermore, my eyes have opened. Here, try some..."

    Or it could have gone something like this:

    Adam: Dear wife of mine, what have you done?! Is that not the fruit of the tree that is in the middle of the garden - the very tree of which God has said: 'you must not eat from it, for in the very day of your eating from it you will positively die'?

    Eve: It is even so, Adam my lord. But behold! I'm still alive. I positively will not die!

    Adam: Dear wife of mine, the sun has not yet set. There is still ample time left for you to die and I will positively be bereaved. And what good would this life of mine be if it is without you? If I cannot live with you then I will die with you. Give me a bite and let us die together... why are you gazing intently at my loins and smiling?

    Eve: Oh no my lord! I was just...umm....contemplating what you were saying...yeah...that's it. My eyes just happened to be pointing in that direction while I was contemplating your very touching and romantic words.

    Adam: And why do you have that leaf over your loins?

    Eve: Umm....it's just a....umm....decoration....yeah....it's a decoration....you know, like the peacocks have their tail to decorate them....

    Adam: [TAKES FRUIT AND TAKES A BITE] It tastes great! But it doesn't feel like...whoa! Everything looks so much more clearer! Dear wife of mine, can I have a closer look at that decoration of yours? Do you mind taking it...off...so that....um....I can....um....take a closer look at you - it...I mean it...the decoration that is...I mean what else would I be talking about? Let me try it on....

    Eve: [RUNNING AWAY] No! I'm not taking it off! You get away from me. Go get your own!

  • leaving_quietly

    Did you notice the picture of Abel resurrected with a full beard?

  • Apognophos

    It seems that when someone had a beard at a time when it was the cultural norm, as with the patriarchs, then they get to keep their beards in the new system. Caucasian brothers who survive from this system into the next apparently have to stay beardless forever because beards were not okay in the Western world in 2014 when this system ended.

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