Feeling sad over a wasted life in watchtower

by wannaexit 70 Replies latest jw friends



    Hope you are doing well !

    Just think of the millions of married couples who divorce after so many years together. Just think of all the years you wasted at jobs you didn't like and now you find one you like. Just think of the many years spent with friends and then you no longer speak to each other or hang out.

    The Watchtower life is the same. Things change and what was important in your life then is no longer important now. Try not to think of all the hours spent in book studies, field service, assemblies, Kingdom Hall meetings, personal study and Bible studies. It will drive you insane if you had the count the hours that you spent working for the WTBTS. They are nothing but slave drivers. If it ain't you slaving for them, they will find a new one.

    My uncle was an Elder for close to 50 years and died with no '' paradise '' anywhere in sight. Who knows how he felt at the end of his life after dedicating all his life slaving for the WTBTS?

  • SAHS

    “wannaexit”: “While my peers are looking forward to retirement, I am only beginning.”

    I can certainly relate to that. I thought that I would be married long ago, but according to the WTS I would have to be a ministerial servant in order to be worthy of marrying a woman. That’s why I say, retrain a lawyer and at least know what your legal options are regarding this most destructive cult.

  • hoser

    I woke up in my late 30s but I was a "weak publisher" for at least 10 years before that. I had worked full time since I was 22 and my wife convinced me we should buy a house when we were in our mid 20's.

    I did miss out though on a lot of hobbies that I enjoy all those years because of the shame and guilt that the Jws laid upon me.

    although we still attend we are career oriented and put our own financial future ahead of the watchtowers.

    if I could go back would I do it differently. For sure! But i can't go back so I just have to live each day and not make the same mistakes I made when I was younger.

  • Bungi Bill
    Bungi Bill

    After finishing another 12 hour shift and then having to come back to several hours work on the Advanced Diploma course that I am currently doing, I could volubily curse the WTS to hell and back again - just about every night.

    However, I figure that the energy required could be put to better use, so I don't!

    I resent the JWs anti-education slant as much as anyone, and would have as much reason to do so as anybody else:

    - having been prevented from even starting the Engineering Degree course, and then 12 months later being made to abandon the apprenticeship that I had just started (I was later able to pick up a mature age apprenticeship in a related skill, but an still struggling to catch up what I missed out on through not being allowed to attempt the degree course).

    However, it need be recognised that all too often with life in general, we by necessity often have to go about things in circumstances that are less than ideal. As others here have noted, it is mainly a case of making the best you can out of an unsatisfactory situation (and trying not to get too consumed by bitterness during the process!)

    My observations anyway.


  • berrygerry

    I've had 6 JW friends and acquaintences that committed suicide. But I didn't.

    Sad. I know the same number. I know ZERO worldly people. ???

    The Watchtower life is the same. Things change and what was important in your life then is no longer important now

    Sorry R & R, I need to strongly disagree.

    Not only have so many of us wasted our lives, many have also lost all friendships AND FAMILY.

    A lousy job or any other poor decision does not take away your loved ones as WTS does.

  • I quit!
    I quit!

    You said it surfaces every once in a while. I can relate to that. Overall you need to be happy that you are out of it and your life is so much better because you did escape it. It ain't perfect but it is much better than it could have been. Thank you for sharing how you feel with us.

  • talesin

    Watch this movie, and you will feel inspired.

    "LIFE, English!"



  • joe134cd

    I think magnum post sort of sums it up for me. Thankfully I have always been materialistic, so I havnt been to effected there. But I think of all those sacrifices I made and things I missed out on due to a couple of guys in Brooklyn.

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    I can relate too. The time that feels wasted to me is the time we spent married but putting off children because we thought armageddon was coming. Eventually my body clock kicked me up the arse and we had children. I will say that after leaving I have an outlook which has enabled me to be pretty single-minded in making up for lost time and I don't feel hugely disadvantaged. In fact I look around and see some people who dropped out of university for other reasons and are now struggling to study part time like me.

    I do feel for those who get to middle age before exiting. Like Ray Franz. Not being overtaken by bitterness must be a daily struggle.

  • stuckinarut2

    Great thread!

    I agree wholeheartedly... My whole life has been a waste!

    All my school life, my teen years, my youth...the years spent at bethel and pioneering, my choice of marriage mate, kids, employment etc...

    EVERYTHING what's been as a result of WT meddling!

    I don't actually know who the "real me" is, or who I should be.........

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