Feeling sad over a wasted life in watchtower

by wannaexit 70 Replies latest jw friends

  • AlphaMan

    Hi Wannaexit......sounds like you are doing good now. Probably much better than most. I was 39 when I walked away from the cult. The whole thing just quit making any sense, so I walked away while there was still time for my kids to have some type of normal cult-free childhood. I still remember agonizing over making the decision to leave, and trusting my gut feeling that it was just a man-made religion as I suspected.

  • SnarlingRaven

    Exit, I know exactly how you feel. I lost every single friend and family member I ever had when I left. My children, too. I reach out to them over and over taking many different approaches, but I am not even worthy of any sort of reply and it makes me physically, mentally, and emotionally ill almost to the point of not being able to function. I am nearly 50 and should be looking forward to retirement in a few years, but I have had to not just build new friendships and relationships, but I have also had to figure out what my (hidden and dormant) strengths and talents are the WTBTS had me repress so that I can start new businesses and plan for my REAL future. I am doing it, though, and it feels good. Much love to you.

  • cult classic
    cult classic


    It really is a sad realization that we wasted someof the best years of our lives in the cult. The thing is, no matter what we would have accomplished, we would still be here now. Perhaps just beginning something or even starting over in some way. That's what I remind myself of when I get discouraged because of the wastefulness.

    That thought doesn't undo the damage, but it does put it in perspective for me. Hope it helps you a little.

  • fulltimestudent

    Take hope!

    There is a life outside the prison walls of the Watchtower.

    Rejoice when they chuck you out and discard you like a bit of garbage that they have worn out, even though we may now be old.

    You don't need them, you only need your liberty.

    I won't say I had a bad time inside the WT prison, but I could not, was not allowed to grow intellectually, but I am SO MUCH HAPPIER now that I am free.

  • cult classic
    cult classic

    Hang in there, everyone.

    It's part of the cards we were dealt.

    Major bummer, for sure.

  • kairos

    Out for nearly 2 years, but 25 years was lost.

    It stings. I can't explain how I fell for the deception.
    It's all so clear now. I thought I was smarter than that.

    Mind control is powerful.

    Also starting over in my mid 40's.

    50 seems so close.

    Focus on living a happy life and be there for those that need help.

  • talesin

    Some days / times are more difficult than others. Sorry you are having a sad.

    I try to think of de-ah Miss Scah-lett, when she said "After all, tomorrow is another day!"

    It's okay to feel how you are feeling; grieving is a process.



  • life is to short
    life is to short

    I can totally relate also. I was in my mid 40's when I woke up. So many wated years that I would love to have back. Pioneering, Bethel, go to where the need was great, etc. Some days it is just hard to not be bitter.


  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    I was in my 40s when I finally started waking up. Now I have a degree and a good job that I find interesting.

    It is very depressing when I compare myself to where I could be in life, or when I compare myself to other classmates that have racked up the money and family and other measures of success.

    But you know what? We survived the WT experience and have lived to tell about it. I've had 6 JW friends and acquaintences that committed suicide. But I didn't. Although my life isn't what it could have been, at least I've still got it! Although it might have been wonderful to get out of WT sooner, at least I'm out now and don't have to sit through hours of "blah, blah, blah, do what we say, blah, blah, tight pants, blah, blah, blah." And I may not be rich and famous, but I can go out for a very nice brunch rather than endure a Pub-bleck Talk and Botchtower Study in a windowless KH. (Hey Tony da Turd, ya know what gays call "brunch"? It's called "Gay Church". Now you can bash both brunch and tight pants in your next talk. Wearing tight pants to brunch makes Jehovah sad.)

    So lets all look on the bright side: I got my weekly paycheck today! None of it is going to WT, inc.

  • Oubliette

    Amen Billy, pass the brunchables!

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