Creationist Should Dismiss Genesis Quickly

by Coded Logic 116 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Caedes

    When the Rasor has given a clean shave, it has not gotten rid of the hair. There is more under the skin that does not meet the eye.

    The point is that the complexity (or how much science has yet to uncover) of the natural universe is the same for everyone, no matter your beliefs regarding gods. The natural universe that you look at is the same one I look at. You however choose to make it infinitely more complex by adding an infinitely powerful creator being to that picture.

  • snare&racket

    There either was a creator or not. Both answers are fascinating and illogical from a human perspective.

    Currently there is no evidence of a creator, though likewise no evidence to dismiss a creator.

    The choice to believe in something without evidence is up to you....

    Despite all of this, one thing is undeniable, the bible got it wrong.

    What people do with this data is up to them. Ignore It, fight it, deny it, make a circle fit a square hole etc etc....

    Most people make the data fit their worldview. This forum is unique because we consumed data that with great consequence we accepted and lost our world view. Surely we have learned that lesson well!?

    Evidence dictates all, opinion should dictate nothing more than pondering.

  • prologos

    Caedes, in this hypothesis, about the accelerating expansion of the universe, (I hate the idea) is stated, that Energy is a property of space, or the void.

    This does NOT imply that more energy is created, as you wrote, it is already there, and becomes evident, seen in action, as the universe expands. The expansion of the universe does not dilute the energy sum of the universe.

    The energy/ mass mixture sum of the universe was present in the void BEFORE the big bang, and unless there is a limit to the void, still is.

    Energy is a property of the voud.

    I take this from reading the relevant Nasa sites and mags.

  • Apognophos

    You however choose to make it infinitely more complex by adding an infinitely powerful creator being to that picture.

    Do you become more complicated when you have a complex thought on your mind? So why does creator+creation have to be more complex than simply creator or creation?

  • prologos

    another factoid that makes the "made itself"(out of virtual energy fluctuations in the void) universe more complicated than the first cause/ creator picture is:

    To account for the number of throws of the dice to have US and OUR universe to happen, you need a very large number of universes in the multiverse to come up with US. so

    There goes your one- bladed Pazor.

    genesis should be dismissed quickly, because with it's errors, it beclouds the real Big Question.

  • Coded Logic
    Coded Logic

    Do you become more complicated when you have a complex thought on your mind?

    - Apognophos

    Yes. Please see neuroplasticity. More importantly, people are more complex than any single idea they have.

    To account for the number of throws of the dice to have US and OUR universe to happen


    This is pure conjecture and is not supported by science. Without knowing how many sides are on a dice - and not knowing how often numbers repeat on that dice - there is no way to know what the odds are for rolling any particular number. Likewise, our universe is the only one we can look at so we have no way of knowing if other kinds of universes are possible. Our universe could be unlikely. Or, our universe could be the only possible kind of universe there is. We just don't know.

    Some scientest think there might be a multiverse because certain branches of String Theory make that prediction. But the multiverse is NOT made up to solve or explain the likelyhood of the physics we see inside our universe.

  • Apognophos

    Neuroplasticity has nothing to do with my question. Perhaps you misunderstood me. A thought is simply a sequence of neuronal activities acting on pathways that have already been formed, right?

    If you could think a thought that was so complex that it used your entire brain at once, the thought would still be no more complicated than your pre-existing brain. And holding that thought in your mind would not increase your complexity any more than a computer becomes more physically complex while it is using all of its CPU.

    People are more complex than just their brains, but the brain is where thoughts occur. The heart or the liver do not contribute to the makeup of the mind, and in any case the brain is far and away the most complex part of the body.

  • Coded Logic
    Coded Logic

    A thought is simply a sequence of neuronal activities acting on pathways that have already been formed, right?

    No. New thoughts and new ways of thinking can change the distrabution of the dendrites. This is why the brain of a physicst is more complex than the brain of a child. The more you learn the more complex you brain becomes. New ideas form new circut pathways.

    People are more complex than just their brains, but the brain is where thoughts occur.

    That was the exact point that I made. Because, by your reasoning, an all powerful God would be more complex than the initial state of the universe. Postulating the existance of a God only makes the problem of complexity WORSE. Not better.

    If the universe is too complex to have come from nothing than a God, which would be even more complex, would definitely not be able to come from nothing. Adding a God to the mix puts the orgins of the universe into a cycle of infinte regression - the existance of the universe must be explained by a more complex being - and that even more complex being must be explained by an even-even more complex being - and that even-even more complex being must be explained by an even-even-even more complext being - . . .

  • Apognophos

    New thoughts and new ways of thinking can change the distrabution of the dendrites

    Now you're just being difficult. The brain does not notably increase in complexity the moment that someone has a complex thought on their mind. If it gets us past this obstacle in the conversation, let's use my example of a computer instead. In either case, we're talking about a network which can contain patterns up to a certain level of complexity.

    That was the exact point that I made

    Um, right, I know. Did you stop reading my post at that point? If a god exists who is largely mind, or whose body is no more complex than ours is, relative to the "brain", then there is not necessarily a significant difference in complexity between a creator+universe and a universe alone.

  • Caedes

    So why does creator+creation have to be more complex than simply creator or creation?

    You claim that a creator created the entire universe which by definition means that the creator must be more complex than its creation. Hence a universe plus creator is more complex. Anything you say to claim that an infinitely powerful creator (who can create a universe) is not complex are merely weasel words.

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