New requirement to become an Elder or Ministerial Servant!

by hardtobeme 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    The Lord "told" Joseph Rutherford that publishers should put in 60 hours a month field service time. Number of back calls, placements, etc. were likewise stipulated by the Lord . . .

    So I read in his own words in a very old WT.


  • SAHS

    The only thing that comes to my mind is that the WTS policy recommends that elders and ministerial servants get at least around ten hours field service each month, but there is absolutely no written stipulation I have ever seen regarding Sundays, or any other days of the week. In other words, all they care about is elders and ministerial servants getting a recommended “healthy” number of hours, but I don’t think anyone really gives a sh^t what days of the week it is. There has to be somebody made available to take the service groups, including Sundays, whomever that may be on the assigned rotation. But, of course, it bodes well for anyone to be seen by the top brass in the congregation whenever they do go out in service, because, after all, that is what it’s really all about (i.e., a human organization made up of men).


    Oh well.....If JWs are willing to put up with these idiotic rules it's their own damn fault that they lead drab, pitiful lives. The best response to these types of comments by the Elders is to just look at them and say 'Are you insane???'. Then just walk away. Better yet, leave and never go back.

  • dozy

    Just sounds to me like an over zealous CO. Otherwise 80% - 90% of elders or ms might as well stand down now.

    Sunday ministry has always been pretty lukewarm. I guess that's why the society had the "First Sunday in the month" special effort ( I don't know if that is still current. ) Most witnesses are pretty tired after the meeting & it is easy just to attend the meeting for field service and then go home ( or go shopping. )

    I was service overseer once & it was always a struggle getting an elder or ms to take the arrangement after the meeting. We had a morning meeting & had a meeting for field service about 30 minutes or so after the meeting. I would say about 20% attended but most were "doing calls" and usually at most 3 or 4 actully wanted some not homes & did maybe an hour of real door knocking.

    What always annoyed me was some parents would just dump their teenage kid and expect us to sort him out with a ministry partner & then drop him off at home. We had a "simple" 30 year old guy in our congregation who invariably was left by his family - sadly , nobody really wanted to work with him and for the young pioneers just grouped together in a car party to drive around a few calls before going to Starbucks a guy like him was never going to be welcome. Most congregations seem to have similar situations.

    There were occasional congregation efforts to get more out on a Sunday , usually spurred by a CO visit , but they all fizzled out. Frankly after a long boring meeting most JWs are tired & want to go home & relax. They see their neighbours cutting the grass , chilling out or socialising & they want to do the same.

  • talesin

    dozy - mentally-challenged going in field service? I had never thought of that ... just another reason to hate the bOrg.


  • Dagney

    I was just told the COBE/PO does a WT check of the elders and MS to see if the magazines are "studied" (ie. Highlighted).

    Crazy times.

  • Been_There_Done_That

    I'm sure that most males reading this site will start supporting their Sunday service then. LOL.

  • hardtobeme

    Another thing I remember this elder told me is that the C/O told them that the society has fought so many times even in the supreme court to have the right to preach on Sundays. And if a brother that wants to be a Ministerial Sevant or Elder don't go out on Sunday to preach, it means that they don't appriciate what Jehovah's organization has done for us to preach on Sunday. For that reason they would not be an example to the brothers.

    What do you think about that?

  • blondie

    He has a point about that. But then why were jws fought on preaching on Sunday, because they were talking to people about the bible or because they were offering WT publications and asking for money on Sunday?

  • sir82

    Spastic CO with an axe to grind.

    As Dozy said, there would be 0 elders and 2 MS per congregation if enforced nationwide.

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