New requirement to become an Elder or Ministerial Servant!

by hardtobeme 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • Balaamsass2

    WOW!! I have heard "Taking a VISIBLE lead in field service" in the past. Never Sunday.

    One Elder said I was "missing meetings" years ago "by working on Saturdays"and he repeated that to the C.O. I took him in the back room quickly with 2 other Elders, and asked him to "show me that in writing". He couldn't so I accused him of "running ahead, slander, and apostacy" in front of two Elders...they busted up laughing, he turned red, stuttered and apologised. lol- the guy hated me after that-

  • steve2

    Oh, the glories of third-hand information: You heard it from an elder who heard it from a CO. Now when I pass it on it'll be fourth hand.

    And, of course this will generate discussion here but no one - repeat no one - will be able to find anything in print about this requirement - but it won't stop people from speculating about it.

  • alexandre

    no, ths is a personal viewpoint. IT IS NOT OFFICIAL!

  • wisdomfrombelow

    As a different take on this matter, since the CO appoints all servants and elders he can make whatever personal rules he wants and since the Society doesn't do it I guess there is no way to appeal it. Just wait until a new CO comes around in 3 years or less.

  • blondie

    I found it worked the other way; CO would make declaration and BOE would resist it; many COs learn that it is better not to meddle. Those elders get right on line to the service desk (sic) where one or more have some friend on it. Example, a CO declared that sisters could not have double pierced ears after an elder's wife in another congregation complained saying it was forbidden by their BOE and assumed that it would be in all congregations. After a call from the double pierced ears congregation to the service desk. SD said that each congregation BOE had the right and responsibility to make decisions for their own congregation but not other congregations. The CO stayed out of it. So in one congregation you could have two ear piercings in each ear, the other, only one.


    I don't think this is new. VISIBLE SUNDAY SERVICE ( aka, Elders don't want to go out on Sunday, aka, Future MS is licking Eldub A** ) is the unwritten requirement for future appointment by Holy Spirit.


  • steve2

    If others in the congregation do not observe you witnessing then brother, you ain't done witnessing.

  • hamsterbait

    I remember a bro who was under restrictions. He was going out every Sat Sun and other days. When the eld-ughs came to review his progress, they actually said, we need to see you out in service regularly. Not one of them had been out on the service as regularly, or they wd have seen this..... Fools.

  • hardtobeme

    Thanks everyone for your comments.

    So, I'm guessing there is nothing written from Jehovah (aka Governing body) on the subject.

    They are just a bunch of modern times "Pharisees".

  • Coded Logic
    Coded Logic

    My Brother in Laws' - half sisters' - yoga intructors' - on again off again baby sitters' - future ex-husband said that he heard this too! So it's deffinately gotta be true

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