If you have been inactive for over a year can you get disfellowshipped?

by cognac 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • cognac

    "Just to try to put some reason into the discussion, the only thing you can be DF'ed for is being unrepentant."

    That will be hard to do when I put a Christmas tree up, lol

  • Gregor

    In the late '70's we had 'elders school'. Sam Friend conducted the 5 days of classes. One discussion was concerning those JW's who had faded but were still in the territory. Some in our congs. had quit JW's over 20 years previously. Friends message was "officially in or officially out". We were to hunt down these people and interogate them about their beliefs and invite them back. If they were not interested then we were to begin the DF'ing process of notification and eventual public meeting announcement that brother or sister so and so were being DF'd. Most of the people in the cong. didn't even know who these people were. The old timers were somewhat surprised that 'John Jones' was even still alive, let alone being hunted down and DF'd.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Definitely. A Christmas tree and/or outdoor lights is an easy path to them deciding to do something. Two elders see the lights or even just the tree through the window and they can easily decide to have a judicial committee.

    I do Christmas with non-JW family but my JW wife is the only JW aware that I do that. She is good about not saying anything. And no decorations, but I got no kids.

    If it's for the kids, don't worry about the elders. Let kids be kids.

  • AlwaysBusy

    I think most elders enjoy df'ing. So my answer is, yes, one can be df'd for just about anything.

  • Phizzy

    If I put some lights up outside my house, what on earth could they DF me for ? how the **** could that be "celebrating Christmas"?

    My Atheist neighbours always have the flashing lights up, I am just being neighbourly.

  • Gregor

    absolutely. Being "caught" celebrating any holiday would get you called on by an elder and possibly lead to a JC and possible DF'ing.

  • DesirousOfChange

    How long you are away or inactive has no bearing on whether you can be DFd.

    IN THE PAST Publisher Record Cards were to be retained for EIGHT YEARS. Once your PRCards were gone, you were no longer an official "member". This was often the rule used to determine that you had returned to the status of "a man of the world", just as any other person in the territory who was never a JW.

    NEW RULES ARE that the last (most current) Publisher Record Card is to be retained indefinately -- forever. This means that you will always be a "member" of that Congregation. The purpose of this rule change is that is allows them to DF you anytime in the future should the determination be made that you should be DFed.

    A lot will depend on if the local BOE wants to go through the trouble to DF/DA you. For example, do you have an ex-wife who is looking to have scriptural rounds to remarry? If two JWs see you spend the night with a person of the opposite sex, you have given grounds for them to establish a JC. If you fail to attend, you will likely be DFd thus allowing your "faithful JW" ex-wife to marry a good JW guy.

    If there is no such "reason" to do a witch-hunt on you, and you lay low and are not overtly apostate nor pursing "sinful things" (like a Christmas tree) then they will very likely "let sleeping dogs lie" and not give you any grief.


  • FlyingHighNow

    You can be suspected of apostate thinking just by being irregular in meeting attendance, even if you turn in time each month.

  • LostGeneration

    Is this related to the Halloween stuff? Did hubby inform the elders you decided to let your kids have fun?

  • Phizzy

    It is about time this silly, silly cult was exposed in the Media for this sort of vindictive action, and if any such is directed at me it will get maximum exposure.

    How silly to DF someone who has not associated for years, how on earth can that be justified rationally? "keeping the congregation clean" ? the person has no contact with the congregation.

    I am so tempted to stick a fifty-foot inflatable illuminated Santa in my front yard.

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