If you have been inactive for over a year can you get disfellowshipped?

by cognac 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • Incognito

    Threats of legal action against the Elders involved but not the WT, may cause the Elders to back off.

    When threatened, the Elders will then contact WT legal who should advise them that WT will likely not provide legal representation if the WT is not named. The Elders will be on their own and will will need to defend themselves if an action commences. That may cause some of the Elders to realize that in following the policies and procedures dictated by the WT, could effect their personal reputations in the community and possibly professionally, and negatively impact their familly bank accounts. Much added stress and worry including that by their wives.

    Although you might want to decorate a tree for the season, how important is it to you to have it visible to passers-by? If you wish to continue to fade quietly, place the decorated tree where it can't be seen from outside your residence.

    Though you say Df'g maybe a relief, you are allowing them control over your fate. Although either option is playing by their rules, a better option maybe to resign instead: You can't fire me - I quit!

  • cognac

    "Is this related to the Halloween stuff? Did hubby inform the elders you decided to let your kids have fun?"

    He'a at the meeting now. Have no clue if he said anything but I'm wondering.

  • cognac

    Although you might want to decorate a tree for the season, how important is it to you to have it visible to passers-by? If you wish to continue to fade quietly, place the decorated tree where it can't be seen from outside your residence.

    I'd have it inside, but, I'm sure my JW husband would rat me out.

  • Balaamsass2

    Well if he Rats you out he will loose all "privledges" for not presiding in a fine manner.

  • AudeSapere

    Balaamsass2 wrote: ... presiding in a fine manner.

    More like "... presiding controlling in a fine an oppressive manner.

    WT-approved, of course.


  • Honesty

    It depends on how much of a threat to the congregation you are perceived to be.

    Telling just one JW what you really think and have found out can get you invited to a kangaroo court and subsequent shunning by most of your family and friends.

    Keep in mind that your friends and family are involved with an oppressive, high control group which cares nothing about indivual's feelings or constitutional rights.

  • Gustv Cintrn
    Gustv Cintrn


    Not participating in the preaching work is not a disfellowshipping offense by itself. However, it's often a symptom of something more serious going on beneath the surface. Usually inactive JWs do end up disfellowshipped in the long run because of conduct unbecoming a Christian.


  • LostGeneration

    Usually inactive JWs do end up disfellowshipped in the long run because of conduct unbecoming a Christian.

    Utter bullshit. A sweeping generalization with zero evidence to back it up.

  • Syme


    One year of inactivity is too little. You can still be DF'ed, if a JC offense exists and is proved, just like any active jw.

    The only exception that I remember from the elders handbook is this: if one is inactive for MANY years (i.e. more than 10) and if he lives in ANOTHER area, different from the one he used to be active, and NO-ONE in that new area identifies/knows him as a JW, only then a JC wouldn't need to be formed, because that person would be the same as a worldly person anymore.

    But, one year of inactivity? In the same area? In an area where you are known by the neighbours as a witness (regardless of standing)? JC forming is almost certain, provided of course that you commited a DF offense.

  • Gregor

    Honesty - It depends on how much of a threat to the congregation you are perceived to be.

    Nope. We were going after people who were minding their own business, per instructions from the mother ship. See my post above.

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