Awake! to be part of Watchtower Public Edition!

by Atlantis 53 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Londo111

    Eventually this will happen...either the Watchtower and Awake will be combined into one monthly magazine, or the Awake will be dropped altogether.

  • EdenOne

    Ahem...I did predict that.



  • Londo111

    It hasn't happened yet...apparently this is a misunderstanding due to the langauge barrier...

  • EdenOne

    It's not an actual editorial merge of the two magazines; it's simply a logistic arrangement to cut some costs. It already happens where I live for about 2 years now. But I do predict that the two will eventually merge.


  • BluesBrother

    It would make perfect sense for them to produce one WatchtAwake magazine , since the public edition of the 'tower is so bland , anyway. In the U K though, as other places mentioned the two magazines are shipped together and the dutiful publisher pulls out the Awake before taking them in F/S.

    I have a suspicion though that many do not do that - just give away one item off the cart and it counts as two magazines placed, simple !

  • Londo111

    With all the emphasis of the website and online TV, the most logical move is just to leave people tracts that would drive them to the website. The magazines are redundant and the public doesn’t read them at any depth anyway.

  • NewYork44M

    How will we get our 4-year college education with no Awakes to read???

  • NewYork44M

    The whole concept of a magazine becomes somewhat irrelevant in an on-line environment. As the continue to move to an on-line environment what does it matter what the magazine is called?


    Remember that the J-dumbs could not figure out how the Watchtower and Awake were "overlapped" and this caused an issue for the literature servants and publishers. A special letter had to be sent, explaining how to separate the magazines. That's the level of watchtardedness we are dealing with.

    The sheeple are so dumb and the public so "not interested" that the litteratrash must be combined. Also, it's cheaper. This is merely the first phase. Soon there won't be any magazines, except what dubs print and fold from home. PRAISE JEEHOOBER!!!


  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    All that stands between separate WT and Awake "magazines" right now is a strip of glue down the middle.

    I am still predicting they will be combined, but under the new name " magazine"

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